Kubespray can be deployed with vSphere as Cloud provider. This feature supports
- Volumes
- Persistent Volumes
- Storage Classes and provisioning of volumes.
- vSphere Storage Policy Based Management for Containers orchestrated by Kubernetes.
## Prerequisites
You need at first to configure you vSphere environement by following the [official documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/vsphere/#vsphere-cloud-provider).
After this step you should have:
- UUID activated for each VM where Kubernetes will be deployed
| vsphere_vm_uuid | FALSE | string | | | VM Instance UUID of virtual machine that host K8s master. Can be retrieved from instanceUuid property in VmConfigInfo, or as vc.uuid in VMX file or in `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial` (Optional, only used for Kubernetes <= 1.9.2) |
| vsphere_resource_pool | FALSE | string | | Blank | Name of the Resource pool where the VMs are located (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.9.2) |