With the old node still in the inventory, run `remove-node.yml`. You need to pass `-e node=NODE_NAME` to the playbook to limit the execution to the node being removed.
### 5) Remove the node from the inventory
That's it.
## Adding/replacing a master node
### 1) Recreate apiserver certs manually to include the new master node in the cert SAN field
For some reason, Kubespray will not update the apiserver certificate.
Edit `/etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-config.yaml`, include new host in `certSANs` list.
Add the new host to the inventory and run cluster.yml.
### 3) Restart kube-system/nginx-proxy
In all hosts, restart nginx-proxy pod. This pod is a local proxy for the apiserver. Kubespray will update its static config, but it needs to be restarted in order to reload.
You need to make sure there are always an odd number of etcd nodes in the cluster. In such a way, this is always a replace or scale up operation. Either add two new nodes or remove an old one.
### 1) Add the new node running cluster.yml
Update the inventory and run `cluster.yml` passing `--limit=etcd,kube-master -e ignore_assert_errors=yes`.
Run `upgrade-cluster.yml` also passing `--limit=etcd,kube-master -e ignore_assert_errors=yes`. This is necessary to update all etcd configuration in the cluster.
At this point, you will have an even number of nodes. Everything should still be working, and you should only have problems if the cluster decides to elect a new etcd leader before you remove a node. Even so, running applications should continue to be available.
### 2) Remove an old etcd node
With the node still in the inventory, run `remove-node.yml` passing `-e node=NODE_NAME` as the name of the node that should be removed.
### 3) Make sure the remaining etcd members have their config updated
In each etcd host that remains in the cluster:
cat /etc/etcd.env | grep ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER
Only active etcd members should be in that list.
### 4) Remove old etcd members from the cluster runtime
Acquire a shell prompt into one of the etcd containers and use etcdctl to remove the old member.
# list all members
etcdctl member list
# remove old member
etcdctl member remove MEMBER_ID
# careful!!! if you remove a wrong member you will be in trouble
# note: these command lines are actually much bigger, since you need to pass all certificates to etcdctl.
### 5) Make sure the apiserver config is correctly updated
In every master node, edit `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml`. Make sure only active etcd nodes are still present in the apiserver command line parameter `--etcd-servers=...`.