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# Ansible Role: GlusterFS
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Installs and configures GlusterFS on Linux.
## Requirements
For GlusterFS to connect between servers, TCP ports `24007`, `24008`, and `24009`/`49152`+ (that port, plus an additional incremented port for each additional server in the cluster; the latter if GlusterFS is version 3.4+), and TCP/UDP port `111` must be open. You can open these using whatever firewall you wish (this can easily be configured using the `geerlingguy.firewall` role).
This role performs basic installation and setup of Gluster, but it does not configure or mount bricks (volumes), since that step is easier to do in a series of plays in your own playbook. Ansible 1.9+ includes the [`gluster_volume`](https://docs.ansible.com/gluster_volume_module.html) module to ease the management of Gluster volumes.
## Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`):
glusterfs_default_release: ""
You can specify a `default_release` for apt on Debian/Ubuntu by overriding this variable. This is helpful if you need a different package or version for the main GlusterFS packages (e.g. GlusterFS 3.5.x instead of 3.2.x with the `wheezy-backports` default release on Debian Wheezy).
glusterfs_ppa_use: yes
glusterfs_ppa_version: "3.5"
For Ubuntu, specify whether to use the official Gluster PPA, and which version of the PPA to use. See Gluster's [Getting Started Guide](http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Getting_started_install) for more info.
## Dependencies
## Example Playbook
- hosts: server
- geerlingguy.glusterfs
For a real-world use example, read through [Simple GlusterFS Setup with Ansible](http://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/simple-glusterfs-setup-ansible), a blog post by this role's author, which is included in Chapter 8 of [Ansible for DevOps](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/).
## License
## Author Information
This role was created in 2015 by [Jeff Geerling](http://www.jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/).