Check calico network pool

This commit is contained in:
Smaine Kahlouch 2015-12-20 16:51:14 +01:00
parent d585ceaf3b
commit 2c816f66a3

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@ -1,19 +1,49 @@
- name: Calico | Install calicoctl bin
src={{ local_release_dir }}/calico/bin/calicoctl
dest={{ bin_dir }}
src: "{{ local_release_dir }}/calico/bin/calicoctl"
dest: "{{ bin_dir }}"
mode: 0755
notify: restart calico-node
- name: Calico | Create calicoctl symlink (needed by kubelet)
file: src=/usr/local/bin/calicoctl dest=/usr/bin/calicoctl state=link
src: /usr/local/bin/calicoctl
dest: /usr/bin/calicoctl
state: link
- name: Calico | Configure calico-node desired pool
- name: Calico | Check if calico network pool has already been configured
url: ""
return_content: yes
status_code: 200,404
register: calico_conf
run_once: true
delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}"
- name: Calico | Configure calico network pool
shell: calicoctl pool add {{ kube_pods_subnet }}
ETCD_AUTHORITY: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}:2379"
run_once: true
when: calico_conf.status == 404
delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}"
- name: Calico | Get calico configuration from etcd
url: ""
return_content: yes
register: calico_pools
run_once: true
delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}"
- name: Calico | Check if calico pool is properly configured
msg: 'Only one network pool must be configured and it must be the subnet {{ kube_pods_subnet }}.
Please erase calico configuration and run the playbook again ("etcdctl rm --recursive /calico/v1/ipam/v4/pool")'
when: ( calico_pools.json['node']['nodes'] | length > 1 ) or
( not calico_pools.json['node']['nodes'][0]['key'] | search(".*{{ kube_pods_subnet | ipaddr('network') }}.*") )
run_once: true
delegate_to: "{{ groups['etcd'][0] }}"
- name: Calico | Write calico-node systemd init file