From 99db440287ded547d9e11ebe286d42f6a5115e53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aleksandr Didenko Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 14:32:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Added check for CCP images build --- playbooks/ccp-build.yaml | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ playbooks/ccp-deploy.yaml | 5 +++++ 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+) diff --git a/playbooks/ccp-build.yaml b/playbooks/ccp-build.yaml index ee28322f2..3766f23b0 100644 --- a/playbooks/ccp-build.yaml +++ b/playbooks/ccp-build.yaml @@ -1,42 +1,60 @@ - hosts: kube-master + pre_tasks: + - name: Download fuel-ccp git: repo: dest: /usr/local/src/fuel-ccp version: master + - name: Upload ccp configs to master nodes synchronize: src: ../ccp/ dest: /root/ccp/ + tasks: + - name: Install CCP cli tool shell: pip install -U fuel-ccp/ args: chdir: /usr/local/src creates: /usr/local/bin/mcp-microservices + - name: Get pods shell: kubectl get pods register: get_pod run_once: true + - name: Get services shell: kubectl get svc register: get_svc run_once: true + - name: Create registry pod shell: kubectl create -f registry_pod.yaml args: chdir: /root/ccp run_once: true + - name: Create registry svc shell: kubectl create -f registry_svc.yaml args: chdir: /root/ccp run_once: true when: get_svc.stdout.find('registry') == -1 + - name: Fetch CCP images shell: mcp-microservices --config-file=/root/ccp/ccp.conf fetch run_once: true + - name: Build CCP images shell: mcp-microservices --config-file=/root/ccp/ccp.conf build run_once: true + +- hosts: k8s-cluster + + tasks: + + - name: Check number of built images + shell: test $(curl -s | python -mjson.tool | grep mcp/ | wc -l) -ge 29 diff --git a/playbooks/ccp-deploy.yaml b/playbooks/ccp-deploy.yaml index 961df55ba..4db12dc81 100644 --- a/playbooks/ccp-deploy.yaml +++ b/playbooks/ccp-deploy.yaml @@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ - hosts: kube-master + pre_tasks: + - name: Rsync CCP configs synchronize: src: ../ccp/ dest: /root/ccp/ + tasks: + - name: Get namespaces shell: kubectl get namespace register: get_ns run_once: true + - name: Deploy CCP shell: mcp-microservices --config-file=/root/ccp/ccp.conf deploy args: