Cleanup references to Travis CI (#4208)

Broken since 4efb0b7
This commit is contained in:
Maxime Guyot 2019-04-20 15:17:40 +02:00 committed by Kubernetes Prow Robot
parent 2f49b6caa8
commit f142e671b3
2 changed files with 0 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
Travis CI test matrix
GCE instances
Here is the test matrix for the CI gates:
| Network plugin| OS type| GCE region| Nodes layout|
| canal| debian-8-kubespray| asia-east1-a| ha-scale|
| calico| debian-8-kubespray| europe-west1-c| default|
| flannel| centos-7| asia-northeast1-c| default|
| calico| centos-7| us-central1-b| ha|
| weave| rhel-7| us-east1-c| default|
| canal| coreos-stable| us-west1-b| ha-scale|
| canal| rhel-7| asia-northeast1-b| separate|
| weave| ubuntu-1604-xenial| europe-west1-d| separate|
| calico| coreos-stable| us-central1-f| separate|
Node Layouts
@ -41,15 +20,6 @@ never actually deployed, but certificates are generated for them.
Note, the canal network plugin deploys flannel as well plus calico policy controller.
Hint: the command
bash scripts/
will (hopefully) generate the CI test cases from the current ``.travis.yml``.
Gitlab CI test matrix
GCE instances

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Generates MD formatted CI matrix from the .travis.yml
a=$(perl -ne '/^\s{6}(CLOUD_IMAGE|KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN|CLOUD_REGION|CLUSTER_MODE)=(\S+)$/ && print "$2\n"' .travis.yml.bak)
echo Travis-CI
printf "|%25s|%25s|%25s|%25s|\n" "Network plugin" "OS type" "GCE region" "Nodes layout"
echo "|-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------|"
for i in `echo $a`; do
printf "|%25s" $i
[ $(($c % 4)) -eq 3 ] && printf "|\n"
c=$(( c + 1))
a=$(perl -ne '/^#\sstage:\sdeploy-gce-(\S+)$/ && print "$1\n";/^\s{2}(CLOUD_IMAGE|KUBE_NETWORK_PLUGIN|CLOUD_REGION|CLUSTER_MODE):\s(\S+)$/ && print "$2\n"' .gitlab-ci.yml)
echo Gitlab-CI
printf "|%20s|%20s|%20s|%20s|%20s\n" "Stage" "Network plugin" "OS type" "GCE region" "Nodes layout"
echo "|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|"
for i in `echo $a`; do
printf "|%20s" $i
[ $(($c % 5)) -eq 4 ] && printf "|\n"
c=$(( c + 1))