* Fixes an issue where apiserver and friends (controller manager, scheduler) were prevented from restarting after manifests/secrets are changed. This occurred when a replaced kubelet doesn't reconcile new master manifests, which caused old master component versions to linger during deployment. In my case this was causing upgrades from k8s 1.6/1.7 -> k8s 1.8 to fail
* Improves transitions from kubelet container to host kubelet by preventing issues where kubelet container reappeared during the deployment
This allows `kube_apiserver_insecure_port` to be set to 0 (disabled). It's working, but so far I have had to:
1. Make the `uri` module "Wait for apiserver up" checks use `kube_apiserver_port` (HTTPS)
2. Add apiserver client cert/key to the "Wait for apiserver up" checks
3. Update apiserver liveness probe to use HTTPS ports
4. Set `kube_api_anonymous_auth` to true to allow liveness probe to hit apiserver's /healthz over HTTPS (livenessProbes can't use client cert/key unfortunately)
5. RBAC has to be enabled. Anonymous requests are in the `system:unauthenticated` group which is granted access to /healthz by one of RBAC's default ClusterRoleBindings. An equivalent ABAC rule could allow this as well.
Changes 1 and 2 should work for everyone, but 3, 4, and 5 require new coupling of currently independent configuration settings. So I also added a new settings check.
1. The problem goes away if you have both anonymous-auth and RBAC enabled. This is how kubeadm does it. This may be the best way to go since RBAC is already on by default but anonymous auth is not.
2. Include conditional templates to set a different liveness probe for possible combinations of `kube_apiserver_insecure_port = 0`, RBAC, and `kube_api_anonymous_auth` (won't be possible to cover every case without a guaranteed authorizer for the secure port)
3. Use basic auth headers for the liveness probe (I really don't like this, it adds a new dependency on basic auth which I'd also like to leave independently configurable, and it requires encoded passwords in the apiserver manifest)
Option 1 seems like the clear winner to me, but is there a reason we wouldn't want anonymous-auth on by default? The apiserver binary defaults anonymous-auth to true, but kubespray's default was false.
* Refactor downloads to use download role directly
Also disable fact delegation so download delegate works acros OSes.
* clean up bools and ansible_os_family conditionals
* Add possibility to insert more ip adresses in certificates
* Add newline at end of files
* Move supp ip parameters to k8s-cluster group file
* Add supplementary addresses in kubeadm master role
* Improve openssl indexes
* Change file used to check kubeadm upgrade method
Test for ca.crt instead of admin.conf because admin.conf
is created during normal deployment.
* more fixes for upgrade
* kubeadm support
* move k8s master to a subtask
* disable k8s secrets when using kubeadm
* fix etcd cert serial var
* move simple auth users to master role
* make a kubeadm-specific env file for kubelet
* add non-ha CI job
* change ci boolean vars to json format
* fixup
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* Updates Controller Manager/Kubelet with Flannel's required configuration for CNI
* Removes old Flannel installation
* Install CNI enabled Flannel DaemonSet/ConfigMap/CNI bins and config (with portmap plugin) on host
* Uses RBAC if enabled
* Fixed an issue that could occur if br_netfilter is not a module and net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables sysctl was not set
* Adding yaml linter to ci check
* Minor linting fixes from yamllint
* Changing CI to install python pkgs from requirements.txt
- adding in a secondary requirements.txt for tests
- moving yamllint to tests requirements