When etcd exceeds its memory limit, it becomes useless but keeps running.
We should let OOM killer kill etcd process in the container, so systemd can spot
the problem and restart etcd according to "Restart" setting in etcd.service unit file.
If OOME problem keep repeating, i.e. it happens every single restart,
systemd will eventually back off and stop restarting it anyway.
--restart=on-failure:5 in this file has no effect because memory allocation error
doesn't by itself cause the process to die
Related: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray/blob/master/roles/etcd/templates/etcd-docker.service.j2
This kind of reverts a change introduced in #1860.
Some installation are failing to authenticate with peers due to
etcd picking up/resoling the wrong node.
By setting 'etcd_peer_client_auth' to "False" you can disable peer client cert
Signed-off-by: Sébastien Han <seb@redhat.com>
* Defaults for apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name
When loadbalancer_apiserver is defined, use the
apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name with a given default value.
Fix unconsistencies for checking if apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name
is defined AND using it with a default value provided at once.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bogdando@mail.ru>
* Define defaults for LB modes in common defaults
Adjust the defaults for apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name and
loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost to come from a single source, which is
kubespray-defaults. Removes some confusion and simplefies the code.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bogdando@mail.ru>
* Refactor downloads to use download role directly
Also disable fact delegation so download delegate works acros OSes.
* clean up bools and ansible_os_family conditionals
* kubeadm support
* move k8s master to a subtask
* disable k8s secrets when using kubeadm
* fix etcd cert serial var
* move simple auth users to master role
* make a kubeadm-specific env file for kubelet
* add non-ha CI job
* change ci boolean vars to json format
* fixup
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* using separated vault roles for generate certs with different `O` (Organization) subject field;
* configure vault roles for issuing certificates with different `CN` (Common name) subject field;
* set `CN` and `O` to `kubernetes` and `etcd` certificates;
* vault/defaults vars definition was simplified;
* vault dirs variables defined in kubernetes-defaults foles for using
shared tasks in etcd and kubernetes/secrets roles;
* upgrade vault to 0.8.1;
* generate random vault user password for each role by default;
* fix `serial` file name for vault certs;
* move vault auth request to issue_cert tasks;
* enable `RBAC` in vault CI;
* Added update CA trust step for etcd and kube/secrets roles
* Added load_balancer_domain_name to certificate alt names if defined. Reset CA's in RedHat os.
* Rename kube-cluster-ca.crt to vault-ca.crt, we need separated CA`s for vault, etcd and kube.
* Vault role refactoring, remove optional cert vault auth because not not used and worked. Create separate CA`s fro vault and etcd.
* Fixed different certificates set for vault cert_managment
* Update doc/vault.md
* Fixed condition create vault CA, wrong group
* Fixed missing etcd_cert_path mount for rkt deployment type. Distribute vault roles for all vault hosts
* Removed wrong when condition in create etcd role vault tasks.