* Enable containerd to deploy vanilla containerd package
Fixes kubeadm references to CRI socket for containerd
Fixes download role cache feature to work with containerd
Change-Id: I2ab8f0031107e2f0d1a85c39b4beb66f08509a01
* use containerd for flannel-addons job
Change-Id: Ied375c7d65e64a625ffbd995ff16f2374067dee6
* add containerd vars
Change-Id: Ib9a8a04e501c481a86235413cbec63f3672baf91
* fixup vars
Change-Id: Ibea64e4b18405a578b52a13da100384582aa24c2
* more fixes
* fix rh repo
Change-Id: I00575a77cfb7b81d6095db5d918a52023c8f13ba
* Adjust helm host install for containerd
* Use K8s 1.15
* Use Kubernetes 1.15 and use kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2 for
* bump to v1.15.0
* Remove k8s 1.13 checksums.
* Update README kubernetes version 1.15.0.
* Update metrics server 0.3.3 for k8s 1.15
* Remove less than k8s 1.14 related code
* Use kubeadm with --upload-certs instead of --experimental-upload-certs due to depricate
* Update dnsautoscaler 1.6.0
* Skip certificateKey if it's not defined
* Add kubeadm-conftolplane.v2beta2 for k8s 1.15 or later
* Support kubeadm control plane for k8s 1.15
* Update sonobuoy version 0.15.0 for k8s 1.15
* Add limited containerd support
Containerd support for Ubuntu + Calico
* Added CRI-O support for ubuntu
* containerd support.
* Reset containerd support.
* fix lint.
* implemented feedback
* Change task name cri xx instead of cri-o in reset task and timeout condition.
* set crictl to fixed version
* Use docker-ce's container.io package for containerd.
* Add check containerd is installable or not.
* Avoid stop docker when use containerd and optimize retry for reset.
* Add config.toml.
* Fixed containerd for kubelet.env.
* Merge PR #4629
* Remove unused ubuntu variable for containerd
* Polish code for containerd and cri-o
* Refactoring cri socket configuration.
* Configurable conmon.
* Remove unused crictl/runc download
* Now crictl and runc is downloaded by common crictl.yml.
* fixed yamllint error
* Fixed brokenfiles by conflict.
* Remove commented line in config.toml
* Remove readded v1.12.x version
* Fixed broken set_docker_image_facts
* Fix yamllint errors.
* Remove unused apt source
* Fix crictl could not be installed
* Add containerd config from skolekonov's PR #4601
Currently, the task `container_download | download images for kubeadm config images` fetches etcd image even though it's not required (etcd is bootstrapped by kubespray, not kubeadm).
`kubeadm-images.yaml` is only a subset of `kubeadm-config.yaml`, therefore ``kubeadm config images pull` will try to get all this list (including etcd)
# kubeadm config images list --config /etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-images.yaml
When using the `kubeadm-config.yaml` though, it doesn't list etcd image:
# kubeadm config images list --config /etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-config.yaml
This change just adds the etcd endpoints in the `kubeadm-images.yaml` to give a hint to kubeadm it doesn't need etcd image for its boostrapping as etcd is "external".
I confess it is a ugly hack, a better way would be to use a single `kubeadm-config.yaml` for both tasks, but they are triggered by different roles (`kubeadm-images.yaml` is used by download, `kubeadm-config.yaml` by kubernetes/master) at different steps and I didn't want to refactor too many things to prevent breakage.
This is specially useful for offline installation where a whitelist of container images is mirrored on a local private container registry. `k8s.gcr.io/etcd` and `quay.io/coreos/etcd` are two different repositories hosting the same images but using *different tags*!
* coreos/etcd:v3.2.24
* k8s.gcr.io/etcd:3.2.24 (note the missing 'v' in the tag name)