If the `mitogen.yml` playbook is run, it installs Mitogen in this path, causing Git to believe there to 500+ changes. This simply excludes that external module from git
The .terraform directory is populated when modules are downloaded:
"The modules are downloaded into a local .terraform folder. This folder should not be committed to version control."
The inventory/mycluster directory gets created when someone follows
the instructions in README.md, but it should never be committed to
the kubespray repo. Ignore it.
New files: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
Optional method to download kubectl and admin.conf if
kubeconfig_lcoalhost is set to true (default false)
Since inventory ships with kargo, the ability to change functionality
without having a dirty git index is nice. An example, we wish to change
is the version of docker deployed to our CentOS systems. Due to an issue
with tiller and docker 1.13, we wish to deploy docker 1.12. Since this
change does not belong in Kargo, we wish to locally override the docker
version, until the issue is sorted.
New deploy modes: scale, ha-scale, separate-scale
Creates 200 fake hosts for deployment with fake hostvars.
Useful for testing certificate generation and propagation to other
master nodes.
Updated test cases descriptions.
I accidently left in the old download URL for coreos
even after I switched the box name to be ubuntu, it
worked fine for me because I already had that box
locally so it didn't try to download. This should
resolve this by using the official bento/ubuntu-14.04
box which is a nice minimal image.
We also allow the default behaviour of sharing folder to VMs
By doing this we can stage our download files in a shared location
and speed up subsequent runs significantly.
Finally will create more verbose documentation.
This allows you to simply run `vagrant up` to get a 3 node HA cluster.
* Creates a dynamic inventory and uses the inventory/group_vars/all.yml
* commented lines in inventory.example so that ansible doesn't try to use it.
* added requirements.txt to give easy way to install ansible/ipaddr
* added gitignore files to stop attempts to save unwated files
* changed `Check if kube-system exists` to `failed_when: false` instead of