Both the `yum` and `apt` modules support a list as input, this allows us avoid the slower `with_items` approach, which can take a long time with a large count of cluster nodes.
Both kubedns and dnsmasq modes are long not maintained.
We should run dns_late steps at the end because sshd
makes DNS lookups during Ansible run and has 2s timeouts
for each failed lookup trying to connect to coredns before
it is ready.
values from inventory in roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yml
hardcoded values in roles/container-engine/defaults/main.yml
dns_servers set empty in roles/container-engine/defaults/main.yml and skydns_server not set in docker_dns_servers variables
also set default value for manual_dns_serve
another variables in roles/container-engine/defaults not need to set
* feat(external-provisioner/local-path-provisioner): adds support for local path provisioner
Helpful for local development but also in production workloads (once the
permission model is worked out) where you have redundancy built into the
software uses the PVCs (e.g. database cluster with synchronous
* feat(local-path-provisioner): adds debug flag, image tag group var
* fix(local-path-provisioner): moves image repo/tag to download role
* test(gce_centos7-flannel): enables local-path-provisioner in test case
* fix(addons): add image repo/tag to commented default values
* fix(local-path-provisioner): typo in jinja template for local path provisioner
* style(local-path-provisioner): debug flag condition re-formatted
* fix(local-path-provisioner): adds missing default value for debug flag
* fix(local-path-provisioner): syntax fix for debug if condition end
* fix(local-path-provisioner): jinja template syntax: if condition white space
This was already approved in #4106 but there are CI issues
with that PR due to references to kubernetes incubator.
After upgrading to Kubespray 2.8.1 with Kubeadm enabled Rook
Ceph volume provision failed due to the flexvolume plugin dir not
being correct. Adding the var fixed the issue
* Adding ability to maintain existing Encryption Secrets at Rest.
If secrets_encryption.yaml is present it will not be overriten with a new kube_encrypt_token.
This should allow for it to be set ahead of a playbook running or maintain it if cluster.yml is ran on the same cluster and the ansible host does not have access to the secrets.
* Setting existing kube_encrypt_token across all master nodes in case it was missing in one or more nodes.
This fixes an issue where the `nodename` in calico's cni config json can fall out of sync with the k8s node name used by the calico pod if `kube_override_hostname` is set