* Force containerd service unmasking
Force systemd to unmask and start service when adding containerd service
* Eliminate restart and move unmasking step
Switch to start instead of restart
Move unmasking to restart handler
* Add unmasking to similar container runtimes
* Add missing service names
aufs-tools was required for docker.io package originally,
but Kubespray installs docker-ce package instead today.
In addition, Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't provide aufs-tools as [1].
Then this removes aufs-tools from Ubuntu requirement.
[1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aufs-tools/+bug/1947004
* Update verbs for volumeattachments resource
Update verbs for volumeattachments resource so that the kubelet can create volumeattachments and mount volumes when deploying Kubernetes on VMware vSphere.
* Update verbs for volumeattachments resource
Update verbs for volumeattachments resource to match upstream
* Update vsphere-csi-controller-rbac.yml.j2
* - add ability to specify the network_zone in hetzner terraform
- Export the network id from hetzner terraform the the generated inventory.ini
* - Add with_networks variable to allow different deployments of hcloud controller manager
- Add network id to hcloud controller secret (added via the inventory)
- Don't include extra_args if it's not set
The quotations in the variable nerdctl_extra_flags are not required for the `nerdctl_image_pull_command` and throw the following error when executing the cluster-playbook with `container_insecure_registries` set:
unknown flag: --insecure-registry\\\"
This happens as the complete nerdctl_image_pull_command string variable gets split into an array string for the cmd task. The escaped quotation doesn't get escaped properly and is added to the cmd-string array as part of the command. This leads to a wrong written insecure-registry flag, which throws this error.
Due to missing quotation of nerdctl_extra_flags, ansible-playbook was failed:
Using module file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ansible/modules/command.py
Pipelining is enabled.
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/shlex.py", line 191, in read_token
raise ValueError("No closing quotation")
This fixes the issue.
T-Eberle investigated the issue and found the solution.
Thank you T-Eberle!
If running Kubespray on static IP environments, a task was failed like:
TASK [kubernetes/preinstall : Configure dhclient hooks for resolv.conf (RH-only)]
fatal: [ak8s2]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false, "checksum": "..",
"msg": "Destination directory /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d does not exist"}
This adds a check for dhclientconffile for running 0100-dhclient-hooks to
run the task only if dhcpclient is enabled.
When running cluster.yml for new machines what containerd is already
install but Kubernetes cluster were not installed before, the task
"remove-node | List nodes" is failed like
"changed": false,
"cmd": [
"/usr/local/bin/kubectl", "--kubeconfig",
"/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf", "get", "nodes", "-o",
"go-template={{ range .items }}{{ .metadata.name }}
{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}"
"stderr": "error: stat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf: no such file or directory",
That was due to lack to check the existing Kubernetes cluster exists
or not before running "kubectl drain" command.
This adds the check to avoid the issue.