Move RS to deployment so no need to take care of the revision history
limits :
- Delete the old RS
- Make Calico manifest a deployment
- move deployments to apps/v1beta2 API since Kubernetes 1.8
* Defaults for apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name
When loadbalancer_apiserver is defined, use the
apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name with a given default value.
Fix unconsistencies for checking if apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name
is defined AND using it with a default value provided at once.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
* Define defaults for LB modes in common defaults
Adjust the defaults for apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name and
loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost to come from a single source, which is
kubespray-defaults. Removes some confusion and simplefies the code.
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
Thought this wasn't required at first but I forgot there's no auto flush at the end of these tasks since the `kubernetes/master` role is not the end of the play.
* Fixes an issue where apiserver and friends (controller manager, scheduler) were prevented from restarting after manifests/secrets are changed. This occurred when a replaced kubelet doesn't reconcile new master manifests, which caused old master component versions to linger during deployment. In my case this was causing upgrades from k8s 1.6/1.7 -> k8s 1.8 to fail
* Improves transitions from kubelet container to host kubelet by preventing issues where kubelet container reappeared during the deployment
This allows `kube_apiserver_insecure_port` to be set to 0 (disabled). It's working, but so far I have had to:
1. Make the `uri` module "Wait for apiserver up" checks use `kube_apiserver_port` (HTTPS)
2. Add apiserver client cert/key to the "Wait for apiserver up" checks
3. Update apiserver liveness probe to use HTTPS ports
4. Set `kube_api_anonymous_auth` to true to allow liveness probe to hit apiserver's /healthz over HTTPS (livenessProbes can't use client cert/key unfortunately)
5. RBAC has to be enabled. Anonymous requests are in the `system:unauthenticated` group which is granted access to /healthz by one of RBAC's default ClusterRoleBindings. An equivalent ABAC rule could allow this as well.
Changes 1 and 2 should work for everyone, but 3, 4, and 5 require new coupling of currently independent configuration settings. So I also added a new settings check.
1. The problem goes away if you have both anonymous-auth and RBAC enabled. This is how kubeadm does it. This may be the best way to go since RBAC is already on by default but anonymous auth is not.
2. Include conditional templates to set a different liveness probe for possible combinations of `kube_apiserver_insecure_port = 0`, RBAC, and `kube_api_anonymous_auth` (won't be possible to cover every case without a guaranteed authorizer for the secure port)
3. Use basic auth headers for the liveness probe (I really don't like this, it adds a new dependency on basic auth which I'd also like to leave independently configurable, and it requires encoded passwords in the apiserver manifest)
Option 1 seems like the clear winner to me, but is there a reason we wouldn't want anonymous-auth on by default? The apiserver binary defaults anonymous-auth to true, but kubespray's default was false.
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'
* Emphasize, that the name of the pip_pyton_modules is only considered in coreos
* Remove useless unused variable
* Fix warning when jinja2 template-delimiters used in when statement
There is no need for jinja2 template-delimiters like {{ }} or {% %}
any more. They can just be omitted as described in
* Fix broken link in getting-started guide
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'
* Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value
When accessing a variable via it's name "{{ foo }}" its value is
retrieved. But when the variable value is retrieved via the vars-dict
"{{ vars['foo'] }}" this doesn't resolve the expression of the variable
any more due to a bug. So e.g. a expression foo="{{ 1 == 1 }}" isn't
longer resolved but just returned as string "1 == 1".
* Make file yamllint complient
Some time ago I think the hardcoded `/var/lib/docker` was required, but kubelet running in a container has been aware of the Docker path since at least as far back as k8s 1.6.
Without this change, you see a large number of errors in the kubelet logs if you installed with a non-default `docker_daemon_graph`
This allows overriding of apt repo endpoints when internet sources are not accessible. Additionally, switch to using the gpg key url for apt instead of
* Fix broken CI jobs
Adjust image and image_family scenarios for debian.
Checkout CI file for upgrades
* add debugging to file download
* Fix download for alternate playbooks
* Update ansible ssh args to force ssh user
* Update sync_container.yml
* Refactor downloads to use download role directly
Also disable fact delegation so download delegate works acros OSes.
* clean up bools and ansible_os_family conditionals
* Update main.yml
Needs to set up resolv.conf before updating Yum cache otherwise no name resolution available (resolv.conf empty).
* Update main.yml
Removing trailing spaces
* Add possibility to insert more ip adresses in certificates
* Add newline at end of files
* Move supp ip parameters to k8s-cluster group file
* Add supplementary addresses in kubeadm master role
* Improve openssl indexes
* don't try to install this rpm on fedora atomic
* add docker 1.13.1 for fedora
* built-in docker unit file is sufficient, as tested on both fedora and centos atomic
* Change file used to check kubeadm upgrade method
Test for ca.crt instead of admin.conf because admin.conf
is created during normal deployment.
* more fixes for upgrade
In 1.8, the Node authorization mode should be listed first to
allow kubelet to access secrets. This seems to only impact
environments with cloudprovider enabled.
* Changre raw execution to use yum module
Changed raw exection to use yum module provided by Ansible.
* Replace ansible_ssh_* by ansible_*
Ansible 2.0 has deprecated the “ssh” from ansible_ssh_user, ansible_ssh_host, and ansible_ssh_port to become ansible_user, ansible_host, and ansible_port. If you are using a version of Ansible prior to 2.0, you should continue using the older style variables (ansible_ssh_*). These shorter variables are ignored, without warning, in older versions of Ansible.
I am not sure about the broader impact of this change. But I have seen on the requirements the version required is ansible>=2.4.0.
This role only support Red Hat type distros and is not maintained
or used by many users. It should be removed because it creates
feature disparity between supported OSes and is not maintained.
* Rename dns_server to dnsmasq_dns_server so that it includes role prefix
as the var name is generic and conflicts when integrating with existing ansible automation.
* Enable selinux state to be configurable with new var preinstall_selinux_state
PID namespace sharing is disabled only in Kubernetes 1.7.
Explicitily enabling it by default could help reduce unexpected
results when upgrading to or downgrading from 1.7.
The value cannot be determined properly via local facts, so
checking k8s api is the most reliable way to look up what hostname
is used when using a cloudprovider.
This follows pull request #1677, adding the cgroup-driver
autodetection also for kubeadm way of deploying.
Info about this and the possibility to override is added to the docs.
Red Hat family platforms run docker daemon with `--exec-opt
native.cgroupdriver=systemd`. When kubespray tried to start kubelet
service, it failed with:
Error: failed to run Kubelet: failed to create kubelet: misconfiguration: kubelet cgroup driver: "cgroupfs" is different from docker cgroup driver: "systemd"
Setting kubelet's cgroup driver to the correct value for the platform
fixes this issue. The code utilizes autodetection of docker's cgroup
driver, as different RPMs for the same distro may vary in that regard.
New files: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
Optional method to download kubectl and admin.conf if
kubeconfig_lcoalhost is set to true (default false)
* kubeadm support
* move k8s master to a subtask
* disable k8s secrets when using kubeadm
* fix etcd cert serial var
* move simple auth users to master role
* make a kubeadm-specific env file for kubelet
* add non-ha CI job
* change ci boolean vars to json format
* fixup
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* Update create-gce.yml
* Fix netchecker update side effect
kubectl apply should only be used on resources created
with kubectl apply. To workaround this, we should apply
the old manifest before upgrading it.
* Update 030_check-network.yml
This sets br_netfilter and net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables sysctl from a single play before kube-proxy is first ran instead of from the flannel and weave network_plugin roles after kube-proxy is started
the uploads.yml playbook was broken with checksum mismatch errors in
various kubespray commits, for example, 3bfad5ca73
which updated the version from 3.0.6 to 3.0.17 without updating the
corresponding checksums.
* using separated vault roles for generate certs with different `O` (Organization) subject field;
* configure vault roles for issuing certificates with different `CN` (Common name) subject field;
* set `CN` and `O` to `kubernetes` and `etcd` certificates;
* vault/defaults vars definition was simplified;
* vault dirs variables defined in kubernetes-defaults foles for using
shared tasks in etcd and kubernetes/secrets roles;
* upgrade vault to 0.8.1;
* generate random vault user password for each role by default;
* fix `serial` file name for vault certs;
* move vault auth request to issue_cert tasks;
* enable `RBAC` in vault CI;
* Use kubectl apply instead of create/replace
Disable checks for existing resources to speed up execution.
* Fix non-rbac deployment of resources as a list
* Fix autoscaler tolerations field
* set all kube resources to state=latest
* Update netchecker and weave
* Added update CA trust step for etcd and kube/secrets roles
* Added load_balancer_domain_name to certificate alt names if defined. Reset CA's in RedHat os.
* Rename kube-cluster-ca.crt to vault-ca.crt, we need separated CA`s for vault, etcd and kube.
* Vault role refactoring, remove optional cert vault auth because not not used and worked. Create separate CA`s fro vault and etcd.
* Fixed different certificates set for vault cert_managment
* Update doc/
* Fixed condition create vault CA, wrong group
* Fixed missing etcd_cert_path mount for rkt deployment type. Distribute vault roles for all vault hosts
* Removed wrong when condition in create etcd role vault tasks.
* Updates Controller Manager/Kubelet with Flannel's required configuration for CNI
* Removes old Flannel installation
* Install CNI enabled Flannel DaemonSet/ConfigMap/CNI bins and config (with portmap plugin) on host
* Uses RBAC if enabled
* Fixed an issue that could occur if br_netfilter is not a module and net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables sysctl was not set
* Adding yaml linter to ci check
* Minor linting fixes from yamllint
* Changing CI to install python pkgs from requirements.txt
- adding in a secondary requirements.txt for tests
- moving yamllint to tests requirements
If Kubernetes > 1.6 register standalone master nodes w/ a taint to allow
for more flexible scheduling rather than just marking unschedulable.
Change kubelet deploy mode to host
Enable cri and qos per cgroup for kubelet
Update CoreOS images
Add upgrade hook for switching from kubelet deployment from docker to host.
Bump machine type for ubuntu-rkt-sep