When docker_container_storage_setup is false,
docker service should not depend on docker-storage-setup service,
because it's not installed.
For example, when using overlay2 on recent RHEL 7/Centos 7 kernels,
you most likely don't need it.
Looks like `epel_enabled` was not configured for the epel install in `bootstrap-centos.yml`. Also, there were no conditionals that would trigger bootstrap for RHEL.
The containerd service and socket files have been dropped from the
openSUSE docker package so we should not require them in the docker
service anymore. This makes the docker service file look similar to
the one shipped by the openSUSE package.
Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <mchandras@suse.de>
* failed
* version_compare
* succeeded
* skipped
* success
* version_compare becomes version since ansible 2.5
* ansible minimal version updated in doc and spec
* last version_compare