* fix(misc): terraform/aws
- handles deployment with a single availability zone
- handles deployment with more than two availability zone
- handles etcd collocation with control-plane nodes (`aws_etcd_num=0`)
- allows to set a bastion instances count (`aws_bastion_num`)
- allows to set bastion/etcd/control-plane/workers rootfs volume size
- removes variables from terraform.tfvars that were not re-used
- adds .terraform.lock.hcl to .gitignore
- changes/updates base image from ubuntu-18.03 to debian-10
tested by a few coworkers of mine, and myself: thanks for the outstanding
work, on both those terraform samples and kubespray playbooks.
I did not test ubuntu deployments, I could still swap from buster to
focal. LMK.
* fix(gitlab-ci)
AFAIU, terraform.tfvars indentation should be fixed for / no diff
returned running `terraform fmt -check -diff`
* rename ansible groups to use _ instead of -
k8s-cluster -> k8s_cluster
k8s-node -> k8s_node
calico-rr -> calico_rr
no-floating -> no_floating
Note: kube-node,k8s-cluster groups in upgrade CI
need clean-up after v2.16 is tagged
* ensure old groups are mapped to the new ones
This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]:
The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is
considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created
to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive.
A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with
"control plane". This means it should be removed from source code,
documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and
its sub-projects.
NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not
kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible.
[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/2067-rename-master-label-taint/README.md#motivation
* Properly tag instances and subnets with `kubernetes.io/cluster/$cluster_name`
This is required by kubernetes to support multiple clusters in a single vpc/az
* Get rid of loadbalancer_apiserver_address as it is no longer needed
Rewrote AWS Terraform deployment for AWS Kargo. It supports now
multiple Availability Zones, AWS Loadbalancer for Kubernetes API,
Bastion Host, ...
For more information see README