* set ingress-nginx default terminationGracePeriodSeconds to 5 min for the drain of connection
* Add ingress_nginx_termination_grace_period_seconds at sample inventory
* Fix nodeselectors for contiv and nginx-ingress
Change-Id: Ib3eb6bd87193c69a90ee944c9164a0b6792c79ba
* Set kube proxy mode to iptables for addons task
Change-Id: Iff71a71f672405c74b4708c71db15ddc4391a53a
Introduced variable `ingress_nginx_tolerations` to set custom
tolerations for Ingress nginx daemonset, to be able to schedule
ingress-nginx on dedicated nodes with taints.
ingress-nginx 0.16.2 (https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/tag/nginx-0.16.2)
This patch simplify ingress-nginx deployment by default deploy on
master, with customizable options; on the other hand, remove the
additional Ansible group "kube-ingress" and its k8s node label
Reference to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#prerequisites:
GCE/Google Kubernetes Engine deploys an ingress controller on the master.
By changing `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` plus custom k8s node
label, user could customize the DaemonSet deployment target.
If `ingress_nginx_nodeselector` is empty, will deploy DaemonSet on
every k8s node.