Flannel use interface for inter-host communication setted on --iface options
Defaults to the interface for the default route on the machine.
flannel config set via daemonset, and flannel config on all nodes is the same.
But different nodes can have different interface names for the inter-host communication network
The option --iface-regex allows the flannel to find the interface on which the address is set from the inter-host communication network
* Updates Controller Manager/Kubelet with Flannel's required configuration for CNI
* Removes old Flannel installation
* Install CNI enabled Flannel DaemonSet/ConfigMap/CNI bins and config (with portmap plugin) on host
* Uses RBAC if enabled
* Fixed an issue that could occur if br_netfilter is not a module and net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables sysctl was not set