#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail CURRENT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) TEMP_DIR="${CURRENT_DIR}/temp" REPO_ROOT_DIR="${CURRENT_DIR%/contrib/offline}" : ${DOWNLOAD_YML:="roles/download/defaults/main.yml"} mkdir -p ${TEMP_DIR} # generate all download files url template grep 'download_url:' ${REPO_ROOT_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_YML} \ | sed 's/^.*_url: //g;s/\"//g' > ${TEMP_DIR}/files.list.template # generate all images list template sed -n '/^downloads:/,/download_defaults:/p' ${REPO_ROOT_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_YML} \ | sed -n "s/repo: //p;s/tag: //p" | tr -d ' ' \ | sed 'N;s#\n# #g' | tr ' ' ':' | sed 's/\"//g' > ${TEMP_DIR}/images.list.template # add kube-* images to images list template # Those container images are downloaded by kubeadm, then roles/download/defaults/main.yml # doesn't contain those images. That is reason why here needs to put those images into the # list separately. KUBE_IMAGES="kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kube-proxy" for i in $KUBE_IMAGES; do echo "{{ kube_image_repo }}/$i:{{ kube_version }}" >> ${TEMP_DIR}/images.list.template done # run ansible to expand templates /bin/cp ${CURRENT_DIR}/generate_list.yml ${REPO_ROOT_DIR} (cd ${REPO_ROOT_DIR} && ansible-playbook $* generate_list.yml && /bin/rm generate_list.yml) || exit 1