--- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: csinodeinfos.csi.storage.k8s.io spec: group: csi.storage.k8s.io scope: Cluster names: kind: CSINodeInfo plural: csinodeinfos versions: - name: v1alpha1 served: true storage: true schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: csiDrivers: description: List of CSI drivers running on the node and their properties. items: properties: driver: description: The CSI driver that this object refers to. type: string nodeID: description: The node from the driver point of view. type: string topologyKeys: description: List of keys supported by the driver. items: type: string type: array type: array status: acceptedNames: kind: "" plural: "" conditions: [] storedVersions: []