--- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: False become: no tasks: - name: "Check ansible version >=2.7.6" assert: msg: "Ansible must be v2.7.6 or higher" that: - ansible_version.string is version("2.7.6", ">=") tags: - check vars: ansible_connection: local - hosts: bastion[0] gather_facts: False roles: - { role: kubespray-defaults} - { role: bastion-ssh-config, tags: ["localhost", "bastion"]} - name: Bootstrap any new workers hosts: kube-node any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}" gather_facts: false vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: false roles: - { role: kubespray-defaults} - { role: bootstrap-os, tags: bootstrap-os} - name: Gather facts about our masters and etcd nodes hosts: k8s-cluster:etcd:calico-rr any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}" vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: true gather_facts: true - name: Generate the etcd certificates beforehand hosts: etcd any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}" roles: - { role: kubespray-defaults} - { role: etcd, tags: etcd, etcd_cluster_setup: false } - name: Target only workers to get kubelet installed and checking in on any new nodes hosts: kube-node any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}" roles: - { role: kubespray-defaults} - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall } - { role: container-engine, tags: "container-engine", when: deploy_container_engine|default(true) } - { role: download, tags: download, when: "not skip_downloads" } - { role: etcd, tags: etcd, etcd_cluster_setup: false } - { role: kubernetes/node, tags: node } - { role: kubernetes/kubeadm, tags: kubeadm } - { role: network_plugin, tags: network } environment: "{{proxy_env}}"