--- - include_tasks: ../shared/sync_file.yml vars: sync_file: "{{ item }}" sync_file_dir: "{{ vault_secrets_dir }}" sync_file_hosts: "{{ groups.vault }}" with_items: - root_token - unseal_keys - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Set fact based on sync_file_results set_fact: vault_secrets_available: "{{ vault_secrets_available|default(true) and not item.no_srcs }}" with_items: "{{ sync_file_results|d([]) }}" - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Reset sync_file_results to avoid variable bleed set_fact: sync_file_results: [] - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Print out warning message if secrets are not available and vault is initialized pause: prompt: > Vault orchestration may not be able to proceed. The Vault cluster is initialzed, but 'root_token' or 'unseal_keys' were not found in {{ vault_secrets_dir }}. These are needed for many vault orchestration steps. when: vault_cluster_is_initialized and not vault_secrets_available - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Cat root_token from a vault host command: "cat {{ vault_secrets_dir }}/root_token" register: vault_root_token_cat run_once: yes when: vault_secrets_available - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Cat unseal_keys from a vault host command: "cat {{ vault_secrets_dir }}/unseal_keys" register: vault_unseal_keys_cat run_once: yes when: vault_secrets_available - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Set needed facts for Vault API interaction when Vault is already running set_fact: vault_root_token: "{{ vault_root_token_cat.stdout }}" vault_unseal_keys: "{{ vault_unseal_keys_cat.stdout_lines }}" run_once: yes when: vault_secrets_available # FIXME: Remove all uri calls - name: bootstrap/sync_secrets | Update vault_headers if we have the root_token set_fact: vault_headers: "{{ vault_client_headers | combine({'X-Vault-Token': vault_root_token}) }}" when: vault_secrets_available