## CentOS/RHEL specific variables
# Install epel repo on Centos/RHEL
centos_epel_enabled: false
# Use the fastestmirror yum plugin
centos_fastestmirror_enabled: false

## CoreOS specific variables
# Disable locksmithd or leave it in its current state
coreos_locksmithd_disable: false

## Oracle Linux specific variables
# Install public repo on Oracle Linux
use_oracle_public_repo: true

  - python
  - libselinux-python3
  - dbus-tools              # because of networkManager reload bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1745659)
  - ethtool                 # required in kubeadm preflight phase for verifying the environment
  - ipset                   # required in kubeadm preflight phase for verifying the environment
  - conntrack-tools         # required by kube-proxy

## General
# Set the hostname to inventory_hostname
override_system_hostname: true

is_fedora_coreos: false