--- contiv_config_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/contiv" contiv_etcd_conf_dir: "/etc/contiv/etcd" contiv_etcd_data_dir: "/var/lib/etcd/contiv-data" contiv_netmaster_port: 9999 contiv_cni_version: 0.3.1 # No need to download it by default, but must be defined contiv_etcd_image_repo: "{{ etcd_image_repo }}" contiv_etcd_image_tag: "{{ etcd_image_tag }}" contiv_etcd_listen_port: 6666 contiv_etcd_peer_port: 6667 contiv_etcd_endpoints: |- {% for host in groups['kube-master'] -%} contiv_etcd{{ loop.index }}=http://{{ hostvars[host]['ip'] | default(fallback_ips[host]) }}:{{ contiv_etcd_peer_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {%- endfor %} # Parameters for Contiv api-proxy contiv_enable_api_proxy: true contiv_api_proxy_port: 10000 contiv_generate_certificate: true # Forwarding mode: bridge or routing contiv_fwd_mode: routing # Fabric mode: aci, aci-opflex or default contiv_fabric_mode: default # Default netmode: vxlan or vlan contiv_net_mode: vxlan # Dataplane interface contiv_vlan_interface: "" # Default loglevels are INFO contiv_netmaster_loglevel: "WARN" contiv_netplugin_loglevel: "WARN" contiv_ovsdb_server_loglevel: "warn" contiv_ovs_vswitchd_loglevel: "warn" # VxLAN port contiv_vxlan_port: 4789 # Default network configuration contiv_networks: - name: contivh1 subnet: "" gateway: "" nw_type: infra - name: default-net subnet: "{{ kube_pods_subnet }}" gateway: "{{ kube_pods_subnet|ipaddr('net')|ipaddr(1)|ipaddr('address') }}" pkt_tag: 10