--- stages: - unit-tests - deploy-part1 - moderator - deploy-part2 - deploy-gce - deploy-special variables: FAILFASTCI_NAMESPACE: 'kargo-ci' GITLAB_REPOSITORY: 'kargo-ci/kubernetes-sigs-kubespray' # DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375 ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR: "true" MAGIC: "ci check this" TEST_ID: "$CI_PIPELINE_ID-$CI_BUILD_ID" CI_TEST_VARS: "./tests/files/${CI_JOB_NAME}.yml" GS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: $GS_KEY GS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: $GS_SECRET CONTAINER_ENGINE: docker SSH_USER: root GCE_PREEMPTIBLE: "false" ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES: "1" ANSIBLE_CONFIG: ./tests/ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_INVENTORY: ./inventory/sample/${CI_JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}.ini IDEMPOT_CHECK: "false" RESET_CHECK: "false" UPGRADE_TEST: "false" LOG_LEVEL: "-vv" before_script: - ./tests/scripts/rebase.sh - update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1 - python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt - mkdir -p /.ssh .job: &job tags: - packet variables: KUBESPRAY_VERSION: v2.11.2 image: quay.io/kubespray/kubespray:$KUBESPRAY_VERSION .testcases: &testcases <<: *job services: - docker:dind before_script: - update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1 - ./tests/scripts/rebase.sh - ./tests/scripts/testcases_prepare.sh script: - ./tests/scripts/testcases_run.sh after_script: - ./tests/scripts/testcases_cleanup.sh # For failfast, at least 1 job must be defined in .gitlab-ci.yml # Premoderated with manual actions ci-authorized: extends: .job stage: moderator script: - /bin/sh scripts/premoderator.sh except: ['triggers', 'master'] # Disable ci moderator only: [] include: - .gitlab-ci/lint.yml - .gitlab-ci/shellcheck.yml - .gitlab-ci/terraform.yml - .gitlab-ci/packet.yml