--- - name: Macvlan | restart network command: /bin/true notify: - Macvlan | reload network when: not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"] - name: Macvlan | reload network service: name: >- {% if ansible_os_family == "RedHat" -%} network {%- elif ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_distribution_release == "bionic" -%} systemd-networkd {%- elif ansible_os_family == "Debian" -%} networking {%- endif %} state: restarted when: not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"] and kube_network_plugin not in ['canal', 'calico']