--- # Note: This does not set up DNS entries. It simply adds the following DNS # entries to the certificate etcd_cert_alt_names: - "etcd.kube-system.svc.{{ dns_domain }}" - "etcd.kube-system.svc" - "etcd.kube-system" - "etcd" etcd_cert_alt_ips: [] etcd_heartbeat_interval: "250" etcd_election_timeout: "5000" # etcd_snapshot_count: "10000" # Parameters for ionice # -c takes an integer between 0 and 3 or one of the strings none, realtime, best-effort or idle. # -n takes an integer between 0 (highest priority) and 7 (lowest priority) # etcd_ionice: "-c2 -n0" etcd_metrics: "basic" ## A dictionary of extra environment variables to add to etcd.env, formatted like: ## etcd_extra_vars: ## var1: "value1" ## var2: "value2" ## Note this is different from the etcd role with ETCD_ prfexi, caps, and underscores etcd_extra_vars: {} # etcd_quota_backend_bytes: "2G" etcd_compaction_retention: "8"