--- - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Ensure vault_cert_dir exists file: path: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}" state: directory - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Generate Root CA in vault-temp uri: url: "http://localhost:{{ vault_temp_port }}/v1/pki/root/generate/exported" headers: "{{ vault_headers }}" method: POST body_format: json body: "{{ vault_ca_options }}" register: vault_ca_gen when: inventory_hostname == groups.vault|first and vault_ca_cert_needed - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Set facts for ca cert and key set_fact: vault_ca_cert: "{{ vault_ca_gen.json.data.certificate }}" vault_ca_key: "{{ vault_ca_gen.json.data.private_key }}" when: inventory_hostname == groups.vault|first and vault_ca_cert_needed - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Set cert and key facts for all hosts other than groups.vault|first set_fact: vault_ca_cert: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_ca_cert'] }}" vault_ca_key: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_ca_key'] }}" when: inventory_hostname != groups.vault|first and vault_ca_cert_needed - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Copy root CA cert locally copy: content: "{{ vault_ca_cert }}" dest: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}/ca.pem" when: vault_ca_cert_needed - name: bootstrap/gen_vault_certs | Copy root CA key locally copy: content: "{{vault_ca_key}}" dest: "{{vault_cert_dir}}/ca-key.pem" when: vault_ca_cert_needed - name: boostrap/gen_vault_certs | Add the vault role uri: url: "http://localhost:{{ vault_temp_port }}/v1/pki/roles/vault" headers: "{{ vault_headers }}" method: POST body_format: json body: "{{ vault_default_role_permissions }}" status_code: 204 when: inventory_hostname == groups.vault|first and vault_api_cert_needed - include: ../gen_cert.yml vars: gen_cert_alt_names: "{{ groups.vault | join(',') }},localhost" gen_cert_hosts: "{{ groups.vault }}" gen_cert_ip_sans: >- {%- for host in groups.vault -%} {{ hostvars[host]["ansible_default_ipv4"]["address"] }} {%- if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} ,,::1 gen_cert_path: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}/api.pem" gen_cert_vault_headers: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_headers'] }}" gen_cert_vault_role: vault gen_cert_vault_url: "http://{{ groups.vault|first }}:{{ vault_temp_port }}" when: vault_api_cert_needed