--- vault_adduser_vars: comment: "Hashicorp Vault User" createhome: no name: vault shell: /sbin/nologin system: yes vault_base_dir: /etc/vault # https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.6.4/vault_0.6.4_SHA256SUMS vault_binary_checksum: 04d87dd553aed59f3fe316222217a8d8777f40115a115dac4d88fac1611c51a6 vault_bootstrap: false vault_ca_options: common_name: kube-cluster-ca format: pem ttl: 87600h vault_cert_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/ssl" vault_client_headers: Accept: "application/json" Content-Type: "application/json" vault_config: backend: etcd: address: "{{ vault_etcd_url }}" ha_enabled: "true" redirect_addr: "https://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ vault_port }}" tls_ca_file: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}/ca.pem" cluster_name: "kubernetes-vault" default_lease_ttl: "{{ vault_default_lease_ttl }}" listener: tcp: address: "{{ vault_port }}" tls_cert_file: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}/api.pem" tls_key_file: "{{ vault_cert_dir }}/api-key.pem" max_lease_ttl: "{{ vault_max_lease_ttl }}" vault_config_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/config" vault_container_name: kube-hashicorp-vault # This variable is meant to match the GID of vault inside Hashicorp's official Vault Container vault_default_lease_ttl: 720h vault_default_role_permissions: allow_any_name: true vault_deployment_type: docker vault_download_url: "https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/{{ vault_version }}/vault_{{ vault_version }}_linux_amd64.zip" vault_download_vars: container: "{{ vault_deployment_type != 'host' }}" dest: "vault/vault_{{ vault_version }}_linux_amd64.zip" enabled: true mode: "0755" owner: "vault" repo: "{{ vault_image_repo }}" sha256: "{{ vault_binary_checksum if vault_deployment_type == 'host' else vault_digest_checksum|d(none) }}" source_url: "{{ vault_download_url }}" tag: "{{ vault_image_tag }}" unarchive: true url: "{{ vault_download_url }}" version: "{{ vault_version }}" vault_etcd_url: "https://{{ hostvars[groups.etcd[0]]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}:2379" vault_image_repo: "vault" vault_image_tag: "{{ vault_version }}" vault_log_dir: "/var/log/vault" vault_max_lease_ttl: 87600h vault_needs_gen: false vault_port: 8200 # Although "cert" is an option, ansible has no way to auth via cert until # upstream merges: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/18141 vault_role_auth_method: userpass vault_roles: - name: etcd group: etcd policy_rules: default role_options: default - name: kube group: k8s-cluster policy_rules: default role_options: default vault_roles_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/roles" vault_secret_shares: 1 vault_secret_threshold: 1 vault_secrets_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/secrets" vault_temp_config: disable_mlock : true default_lease_ttl: "{{ vault_default_lease_ttl }}" backend: file: path: /vault/file listener: tcp: address: "{{ vault_port }}" tls_disable: "true" vault_temp_container_name: vault-temp vault_version: 0.6.4