Kargo's roadmap ================= ### Self deployment (pull-mode) [#320](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/320) - the playbook would install and configure docker/rkt and the etcd cluster - the following data would be inserted into etcd: certs,tokens,users,inventory,group_vars. - a "kubespray" container would be deployed (kargo-cli, ansible-playbook, kpm) - to be discussed, a way to provide the inventory - **self deployment** of the node from inside a container [#321](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/321) ### Provisionning and cloud providers - Terraform to provision instances on **GCE, AWS, Openstack, Digital Ocean, Azure** - On AWS autoscaling, multi AZ - On Azure autoscaling, create loadbalancer [#297](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/297) - On GCE be able to create a loadbalancer automatically (IAM ?) [#280](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/280) - **TLS boostrap** support for kubelet [#234](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/234) (related issues: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/20439 <br> https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/18112) ### Tests - Run kubernetes e2e tests - migrate to jenkins (a test is currently a deployment on a 3 node cluste, testing k8s api, ping between 2 pods) - Full tests on GCE per day (All OS's, all network plugins) - trigger a single test per pull request - single test with the Ansible version n-1 per day - Test idempotency on on single OS but for all network plugins/container engines - single test on AWS per day - test different achitectures : - 3 instances, 3 are members of the etcd cluster, 2 of them acting as master and node, 1 as node - 5 instances, 3 are etcd and nodes, 2 are masters only - 7 instances, 3 etcd only, 2 masters, 2 nodes - test scale up cluster: +1 etcd, +1 master, +1 node ### Lifecycle - Drain worker node when upgrading k8s components in a worker node. [#154](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/154) - Drain worker node when shutting down/deleting an instance ### Networking - romana.io support [#160](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/160) - Configure network policy for Calico. [#159](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/159) - Opencontrail - Canal ### High availability - (to be discussed) option to set a loadbalancer for the apiservers like ucarp/packemaker/keepalived While waiting for the issue [kubernetes/kubernetes#18174](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/18174) to be fixed. ### Kargo-cli - Delete instances - `kargo vagrant` to setup a test cluster locally - `kargo azure` for Microsoft Azure support - switch to Terraform instead of Ansible for provisionning - update $HOME/.kube/config when a cluster is deployed. Optionally switch to this context ### Kargo API - Perform all actions through an **API** - Store inventories / configurations of mulltiple clusters - make sure that state of cluster is completely saved in no more than one config file beyond hosts inventory ### Addons (with kpm) Include optionals deployments to init the cluster: ##### Monitoring - Heapster / Grafana .... - **Prometheus** ##### Others ##### Dashboards: - kubernetes-dashboard - Fabric8 - Tectonic - Cockpit ##### Paas like - Openshift Origin - Openstack - Deis Workflow ### Others - remove nodes (adding is already supported) - being able to choose any k8s version (almost done) - **rkt** support [#59](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/59) - Review documentation (split in categories) - **consul** -> if officialy supported by k8s - flex volumes options (e.g. **torrus** support) [#312](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/312) - Clusters federation option (aka **ubernetes**) [#329](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo/issues/329)