--- - name: Check if atomic host stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: ostree - set_fact: is_atomic: "{{ ostree.stat.exists }}" - name: Check presence of fastestmirror.conf stat: path: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf register: fastestmirror # fastestmirror plugin actually slows down Ansible deployments - name: Disable fastestmirror plugin lineinfile: dest: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf regexp: "^enabled=.*" line: "enabled=0" state: present become: true when: fastestmirror.stat.exists - name: Add proxy to /etc/yum.conf if http_proxy is defined lineinfile: path: "/etc/yum.conf" line: "proxy={{ http_proxy }}" create: yes state: present become: true when: http_proxy is defined - name: Install libselinux-python and yum-utils for bootstrap yum: name: - libselinux-python - yum-utils state: present become: true when: - not is_atomic - name: Check python-pip package yum: list=python-pip register: package_python_pip when: - not is_atomic - name: Install epel-release for bootstrap yum: name: epel-release state: present become: true when: - epel_enabled - not is_atomic - package_python_pip.results | length != 0 - name: check python-httplib2 package yum: list: "python-httplib2" register: package_python_httplib2 when: - not is_atomic - name: Configure extras repository if python-httplib2 not avaiable in current repos yum_repository: name: extras description: "CentOS-7 - Extras" state: present baseurl: "{{ extras_rh_repo_base_url }}" file: "extras" gpgcheck: yes gpgkey: "{{extras_rh_repo_gpgkey}}" keepcache: "{{ extras_rh_rpm_keepcache | default('1') }}" proxy: " {{ http_proxy | default(omit) }}" when: - not is_atomic - package_python_httplib2.results | length == 0 - name: Install pip for bootstrap yum: name: python-pip state: present become: true when: - not is_atomic - package_python_pip.results | length != 0