vagrant-k8s =========== Scripts to create libvirt lab with vagrant and prepare some stuff for `k8s` deployment with `kargo`. Requirements ============ * `libvirt` * `vagrant` * `vagrant-libvirt` plugin (`vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt`) * `$USER` should be able to connect to libvirt (test with `virsh list --all`) How-to ====== Vargant lab preparation ----------------------- * Change default IP pool for vagrant networks if you want: ```bash export VAGRANT_POOL="" ``` * Clone this repo ```bash git clone cd vagrant-k8s ``` * If you want to run OpenStack CCP (Containerised Control Plane) then you need to pull CCP repos and patches: ```bash pushd ccp ./ popd ``` * Prepare the virtual lab: ```bash vagrant up ``` Deployment on a lab ------------------- * Login to master node and sudo to root: ```bash vagrant ssh $USER-k8s-01 sudo su - ``` * Clone this repo ```bash git clone ~/mcp ``` * Install required software and pull needed repos (modify script if you're not running it on Vagrant lab, you'll need to create `nodes` list manually and clone `microservices` and `microservices-repos` repositories, see for details) ```bash cd ~/mcp ./ ``` * Check nodes list and make sure you have SSH access to them ```bash cd ~/mcp cat nodes ``` * Deploy k8s using kargo playbooks ```bash cd ~/mcp ./ ``` * Deploy OpenStack CCP: ```bash cd ~/mcp ./ ``` Working with kubernetes ----------------------- * Login to one of your kube-master nodes (see `/root/kargo/inventory/inventory.cfg` on master node) and run: ```bash # List images in registry curl -s | python -mjson.tool # Check CCP jobs status kubectl --namespace=openstack get jobs # Check CCP pods kubectl --namespace=openstack get pods -o wide ``` * Troubleshooting * Some basic commands ```bash # Get logs from pod kubectl --namespace=openstack logs $POD_NAME # Exec command from pod kubectl --namespace=openstack exec $POD_NAME cat /etc/resolv.conf kubectl --namespace=openstack exec $POD_NAME curl http://etcd-client:2379/health # Run a container docker run -t -i /bin/bash ``` * Network checker ```bash cd ~/mcp ./ # or in openstack namespace ./ openstack