--- - name: Contiv | Wait for netmaster uri: url: "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}/info" register: result until: result.status is defined and result.status == 200 retries: 10 delay: 5 - name: Contiv | Get global configuration command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ global info --json --all register: global_config run_once: true changed_when: false - name: Contiv | Set contiv_global_config set_fact: contiv_global_config: "{{ (global_config.stdout|from_json)[0] }}" - name: Contiv | Set global forwarding mode command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ global set --fwd-mode={{ contiv_fwd_mode }} when: "contiv_global_config.get('fwdMode', '') != contiv_fwd_mode" run_once: true - name: Contiv | Set global fabric mode command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ global set --fabric-mode={{ contiv_fabric_mode }} when: "contiv_global_config.networkInfraType != contiv_fabric_mode" run_once: true - name: Contiv | Set peer hostname set_fact: contiv_peer_hostname: >- {%- if override_system_hostname|default(true) -%} {{ contiv_peer_hostname|default({})|combine({item: hostvars[item]['inventory_hostname']}) }} {%- else -%} {{ contiv_peer_hostname|default({})|combine({item: hostvars[item]['ansible_fqdn']}) }} {%- endif -%} with_items: "{{ groups['k8s-cluster'] }}" run_once: true when: - contiv_fwd_mode == 'routing' - contiv_peer_with_uplink_leaf - name: Contiv | Get BGP configuration command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ bgp ls --json register: bgp_config run_once: true changed_when: false when: - contiv_fwd_mode == 'routing' - contiv_peer_with_uplink_leaf - name: Contiv | Configure peering with router(s) command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ bgp create {{ item.value }} \ --router-ip="{{ hostvars[item.key]['contiv']['router_ip'] }}" \ --as="{{ hostvars[item.key]['contiv']['as'] | default(contiv_global_as) }}" \ --neighbor-as="{{ hostvars[item.key]['contiv']['neighbor_as'] | default(contiv_global_neighbor_as) }}" \ --neighbor="{{ hostvars[item.key]['contiv']['neighbor'] }}" run_once: true with_dict: "{{ contiv_peer_hostname }}" when: - contiv_fwd_mode == 'routing' - contiv_peer_with_uplink_leaf - bgp_config.stdout|from_json|length == 0 or not item.value in bgp_config.stdout|from_json|map(attribute='key')|list - name: Contiv | Get existing networks command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ net ls -q register: net_result run_once: true changed_when: false - name: Contiv | Create networks command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ net create \ --encap={{ item.encap|default("vxlan") }} \ --gateway={{ item.gateway }} \ --nw-type={{ item.nw_type|default("data") }} \ --pkt-tag={{ item.pkt_tag|default("0") }} \ --subnet={{ item.subnet }} \ --tenant={{ item.tenant|default("default") }} \ "{{ item.name }}" with_items: "{{ contiv_networks }}" when: item['name'] not in net_result.stdout_lines run_once: true - name: Contiv | Check if default group exists command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ group ls -q register: group_result run_once: true changed_when: false - name: Contiv | Create default group command: | {{ bin_dir }}/netctl --netmaster "{{ contiv_netmaster_port }}" \ group create default-net default when: "'default' not in group_result.stdout_lines" run_once: true