--- - name: Stop if either kube_control_plane or kube_node group is empty assert: that: "groups.get('{{ item }}')" with_items: - kube_control_plane - kube_node run_once: true when: not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if etcd group is empty in external etcd mode assert: that: groups.get('etcd') fail_msg: "Group 'etcd' cannot be empty in external etcd mode" run_once: true when: - not ignore_assert_errors - etcd_deployment_type != "kubeadm" - name: Stop if non systemd OS type assert: that: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd" when: not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if unknown OS assert: that: ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Ubuntu', 'Debian', 'Flatcar', 'Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk', 'Suse', 'openSUSE Leap', 'ClearLinux', 'OracleLinux', 'AlmaLinux', 'Rocky', 'Amazon'] msg: "{{ ansible_distribution }} is not a known OS" when: not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if unknown network plugin assert: that: kube_network_plugin in ['calico', 'canal', 'flannel', 'weave', 'cloud', 'cilium', 'cni','kube-ovn', 'kube-router', 'macvlan'] msg: "{{ kube_network_plugin }} is not supported" when: - kube_network_plugin is defined - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if legacy encapsulation variables are detected (ipip) assert: that: - ipip is not defined msg: "'ipip' configuration variable is deprecated, please configure your inventory with 'calico_ipip_mode' set to 'Always' or 'CrossSubnet' according to your specific needs" when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if legacy encapsulation variables are detected (ipip_mode) assert: that: - ipip_mode is not defined msg: "'ipip_mode' configuration variable is deprecated, please configure your inventory with 'calico_ipip_mode' set to 'Always' or 'CrossSubnet' according to your specific needs" when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if incompatible network plugin and cloudprovider assert: that: - calico_ipip_mode == 'Never' - calico_vxlan_mode in ['Always', 'CrossSubnet'] msg: "When using cloud_provider azure and network_plugin calico calico_ipip_mode must be 'Never' and calico_vxlan_mode 'Always' or 'CrossSubnet'" when: - cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider == 'azure' - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if supported Calico versions assert: that: - "calico_version in calico_crds_archive_checksums.keys()" msg: "Calico version not supported {{ calico_version }} not in {{ calico_crds_archive_checksums.keys() }}" when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if unsupported version of Kubernetes assert: that: kube_version is version(kube_version_min_required, '>=') msg: "The current release of Kubespray only support newer version of Kubernetes than {{ kube_version_min_required }} - You are trying to apply {{ kube_version }}" when: not ignore_assert_errors # simplify this items-list when https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/15753 is resolved - name: "Stop if known booleans are set as strings (Use JSON format on CLI: -e \"{'key': true }\")" assert: that: item.value|type_debug == 'bool' msg: "{{ item.value }} isn't a bool" run_once: yes with_items: - { name: download_run_once, value: "{{ download_run_once }}" } - { name: deploy_netchecker, value: "{{ deploy_netchecker }}" } - { name: download_always_pull, value: "{{ download_always_pull }}" } - { name: helm_enabled, value: "{{ helm_enabled }}" } - { name: openstack_lbaas_enabled, value: "{{ openstack_lbaas_enabled }}" } when: not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if even number of etcd hosts assert: that: groups.etcd|length is not divisibleby 2 when: - not ignore_assert_errors - inventory_hostname in groups.get('etcd',[]) - name: Stop if memory is too small for masters assert: that: ansible_memtotal_mb >= minimal_master_memory_mb when: - not ignore_assert_errors - inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane'] - name: Stop if memory is too small for nodes assert: that: ansible_memtotal_mb >= minimal_node_memory_mb when: - not ignore_assert_errors - inventory_hostname in groups['kube_node'] - name: Stop when dynamic_kubelet_configuration enabled for kubernetes >= 1.22 assert: that: not dynamic_kubelet_configuration msg: > Feature DynamicKubeletConfig is deprecated in 1.22 and will not move to GA. It is planned to be removed from Kubernetes in the version 1.23. Please use alternative ways to update kubelet configuration. when: - kube_version is version('v1.22.0', '>=') # This assertion will fail on the safe side: One can indeed schedule more pods # on a node than the CIDR-range has space for when additional pods use the host # network namespace. It is impossible to ascertain the number of such pods at # provisioning time, so to establish a guarantee, we factor these out. # NOTICE: the check blatantly ignores the inet6-case - name: Guarantee that enough network address space is available for all pods assert: that: "{{ (kubelet_max_pods | default(110)) | int <= (2 ** (32 - kube_network_node_prefix | int)) - 2 }}" msg: "Do not schedule more pods on a node than inet addresses are available." when: - not ignore_assert_errors - inventory_hostname in groups['k8s_cluster'] - kube_network_node_prefix is defined - kube_network_plugin != 'calico' - name: Stop if ip var does not match local ips assert: that: ip in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses msg: "'{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses }}' do not contain '{{ ip }}'" when: - not ignore_assert_errors - ip is defined - name: Stop if access_ip is not pingable command: ping -c1 {{ access_ip }} when: - access_ip is defined - not ignore_assert_errors - ping_access_ip - name: Stop if RBAC is not enabled when dashboard is enabled assert: that: rbac_enabled when: - dashboard_enabled - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if RBAC is not enabled when OCI cloud controller is enabled assert: that: rbac_enabled when: - cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider == "oci" - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if RBAC and anonymous-auth are not enabled when insecure port is disabled assert: that: rbac_enabled and kube_api_anonymous_auth when: - kube_apiserver_insecure_port == 0 and inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane'] - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if kernel version is too low assert: that: ansible_kernel.split('-')[0] is version('4.9.17', '>=') when: - kube_network_plugin == 'cilium' or cilium_deploy_additionally | default(false) | bool - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if bad hostname assert: that: inventory_hostname is match("[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$") msg: "Hostname must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '.' or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character" when: not ignore_assert_errors - name: check cloud_provider value assert: that: cloud_provider in ['gce', 'aws', 'azure', 'openstack', 'vsphere', 'oci', 'external'] msg: "If set the 'cloud_provider' var must be set either to 'gce', 'aws', 'azure', 'openstack', 'vsphere', 'oci' or 'external'" when: - cloud_provider is defined - not ignore_assert_errors tags: - cloud-provider - facts - name: Get current calico cluster version shell: "set -o pipefail && {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl.sh version | grep 'Cluster Version:' | awk '{ print $3}'" args: executable: /bin/bash register: calico_version_on_server async: 10 poll: 3 run_once: yes changed_when: false failed_when: false when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - name: Check that current calico version is enough for upgrade assert: that: - calico_version_on_server.stdout is version(calico_min_version_required, '>=') msg: > Your version of calico is not fresh enough for upgrade. Minimum version is {{ calico_min_version_required }} supported by the previous kubespray release. when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - 'calico_version_on_server.stdout is defined' - calico_version_on_server.stdout - inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] run_once: yes - name: "Check that cluster_id is set if calico_rr enabled" assert: that: - cluster_id is defined msg: "A unique cluster_id is required if using calico_rr" when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - peer_with_calico_rr - inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] run_once: yes - name: "Check that calico_rr nodes are in k8s_cluster group" assert: that: - '"k8s_cluster" in group_names' msg: "calico_rr must be a child group of k8s_cluster group" when: - kube_network_plugin == 'calico' - '"calico_rr" in group_names' - name: "Check that kube_service_addresses is a network range" assert: that: - kube_service_addresses | ipaddr('net') msg: "kube_service_addresses = '{{ kube_service_addresses }}' is not a valid network range" run_once: yes - name: "Check that kube_pods_subnet is a network range" assert: that: - kube_pods_subnet | ipaddr('net') msg: "kube_pods_subnet = '{{ kube_pods_subnet }}' is not a valid network range" run_once: yes - name: "Check that kube_pods_subnet does not collide with kube_service_addresses" assert: that: - kube_pods_subnet | ipaddr(kube_service_addresses) | string == 'None' msg: "kube_pods_subnet cannot be the same network segment as kube_service_addresses" run_once: yes - name: Stop if unknown dns mode assert: that: dns_mode in ['coredns', 'coredns_dual', 'manual', 'none'] msg: "dns_mode can only be 'coredns', 'coredns_dual', 'manual' or 'none'" when: dns_mode is defined run_once: true - name: Stop if unknown kube proxy mode assert: that: kube_proxy_mode in ['iptables', 'ipvs'] msg: "kube_proxy_mode can only be 'iptables' or 'ipvs'" when: kube_proxy_mode is defined run_once: true - name: Stop if unknown cert_management assert: that: cert_management|d('script') in ['script', 'none'] msg: "cert_management can only be 'script' or 'none'" run_once: true - name: Stop if unknown resolvconf_mode assert: that: resolvconf_mode in ['docker_dns', 'host_resolvconf', 'none'] msg: "resolvconf_mode can only be 'docker_dns', 'host_resolvconf' or 'none'" when: resolvconf_mode is defined run_once: true - name: Stop if etcd deployment type is not host, docker or kubeadm assert: that: etcd_deployment_type in ['host', 'docker', 'kubeadm'] msg: "The etcd deployment type, 'etcd_deployment_type', must be host, docker or kubeadm" when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get('etcd',[]) - name: Stop if etcd deployment type is not host or kubeadm when container_manager != docker assert: that: etcd_deployment_type in ['host', 'kubeadm'] msg: "The etcd deployment type, 'etcd_deployment_type', must be host or kubeadm when container_manager is not docker" when: - inventory_hostname in groups.get('etcd',[]) - container_manager != 'docker' # TODO: Clean this task up when we drop backward compatibility support for `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` - name: Stop if etcd deployment type is not host or kubeadm when container_manager != docker and etcd_kubeadm_enabled is not defined block: - name: Warn the user if they are still using `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` debug: msg: > "WARNING! => `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can set `etcd_deployment_type` to `kubeadm` instead of setting `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` to `true`." changed_when: true - name: Stop if `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` is defined and `etcd_deployment_type` is not `kubadm` or `host` assert: that: etcd_deployment_type == 'kubeadm' msg: > It is not possible to use `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` when `etcd_deployment_type` is set to {{ etcd_deployment_type }}. Unset the `etcd_kubeadm_enabled` variable and set `etcd_deployment_type` to desired deployment type (`host`, `kubeadm`, `docker`) instead." when: etcd_kubeadm_enabled run_once: yes when: etcd_kubeadm_enabled is defined - name: Stop if download_localhost is enabled but download_run_once is not assert: that: download_run_once msg: "download_localhost requires enable download_run_once" when: download_localhost - name: Stop if kata_containers_enabled is enabled when container_manager is docker assert: that: container_manager != 'docker' msg: "kata_containers_enabled support only for containerd and crio-o. See https://github.com/kata-containers/documentation/blob/1.11.4/how-to/run-kata-with-k8s.md#install-a-cri-implementation for details" when: kata_containers_enabled - name: Stop if kata_containers_version is >= 2.3.0 and kube_version < 1.22.0 assert: that: kube_version is version('v1.22.0', '>') msg: "Kata containers version 2.3.0 is compatible with Kubernetes 1.22.0+" when: kata_containers_version is version ('2.3.0', '>=') - name: Stop if gvisor_enabled is enabled when container_manager is not containerd assert: that: container_manager == 'containerd' msg: "gvisor_enabled support only compatible with containerd. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/issues/7650 for details" when: gvisor_enabled - name: Stop if download_localhost is enabled for Flatcar Container Linux assert: that: ansible_os_family not in ["Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"] msg: "download_run_once not supported for Flatcar Container Linux" when: download_run_once or download_force_cache - name: Ensure minimum containerd version assert: that: containerd_version is version(containerd_min_version_required, '>=') msg: "containerd_version is too low. Minimum version {{ containerd_min_version_required }}" run_once: yes when: - containerd_version not in ['latest', 'edge', 'stable'] - container_manager == 'containerd' - name: Stop if using deprecated containerd_config variable assert: that: containerd_config is not defined msg: "Variable containerd_config is now deprecated. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/blob/master/inventory/sample/group_vars/all/containerd.yml for details." when: - containerd_config is defined - not ignore_assert_errors - name: Stop if auto_renew_certificates is enabled when certificates are managed externally (kube_external_ca_mode is true) assert: that: not auto_renew_certificates msg: "Variable auto_renew_certificates must be disabled when CA are managed externally: kube_external_ca_mode = true" when: - kube_external_ca_mode - not ignore_assert_errors