--- - name: create temporary resolveconf cloud init file command: cp -f /etc/resolv.conf "{{ resolvconffile }}" when: ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] - name: Remove search/domain/nameserver options lineinfile: dest: "{{item[0]}}" state: absent regexp: "^{{ item[1] }}.*$" backup: yes follow: yes with_nested: - "{{ [resolvconffile] + [base|default('')] + [head|default('')] }}" - [ 'search ', 'nameserver ', 'domain ', 'options ' ] notify: Preinstall | restart network - name: Add domain/search/nameservers to resolv.conf blockinfile: dest: "{{resolvconffile}}" block: |- {% for item in [domainentry] + [searchentries] + nameserverentries.split(',') -%} {{ item }} {% endfor %} state: present insertbefore: BOF create: yes backup: yes follow: yes marker: "# Ansible entries {mark}" notify: Preinstall | restart network - name: Add options to resolv.conf lineinfile: line: options {{ item }} dest: "{{resolvconffile}}" state: present regexp: "^options.*{{ item }}$" insertafter: EOF backup: yes follow: yes with_items: - ndots:{{ ndots }} - timeout:2 - attempts:2 notify: Preinstall | restart network - name: get temporary resolveconf cloud init file content command: cat {{ resolvconffile }} register: cloud_config when: ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"] - name: persist resolvconf cloud init file template: dest: "{{resolveconf_cloud_init_conf}}" src: resolvconf.j2 owner: root mode: 0644 notify: Preinstall | update resolvconf for Container Linux by CoreOS when: ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"]