# Kubespray's roadmap ## Self deployment (pull-mode) [#320](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/320) - the playbook would install and configure docker and the etcd cluster - the following data would be inserted into etcd: certs,tokens,users,inventory,group_vars. - a "kubespray" container would be deployed (kubespray-cli, ansible-playbook) - to be discussed, a way to provide the inventory - **self deployment** of the node from inside a container [#321](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/321) ## Provisioning and cloud providers - [ ] Terraform to provision instances on: - [ ] GCE - [x] AWS (contrib/terraform/aws) - [x] OpenStack (contrib/terraform/openstack) - [x] Equinix Metal - [ ] Digital Ocean - [ ] Azure - [ ] On AWS autoscaling, multi AZ - [ ] On Azure autoscaling, create loadbalancer [#297](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/297) - [ ] On GCE be able to create a loadbalancer automatically (IAM ?) [#280](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/280) - [x] **TLS bootstrap** support for kubelet (covered by kubeadm, but not in standard deployment) [#234](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/234) (related issues: ## Tests - [x] Run kubernetes e2e tests - [ ] Test idempotency on single OS but for all network plugins/container engines - [ ] single test on AWS per day - [ ] test scale up cluster: +1 etcd, +1 master, +1 node - [x] Reorganize CI test vars into group var files ## Lifecycle - [ ] Upgrade granularity: select components to upgrade and skip others ## Networking - [ ] Opencontrail - [ ] Consolidate roles/network_plugin and roles/kubernetes-apps/network_plugin ## Kubespray API - Perform all actions through an **API** - Store inventories / configurations of multiple clusters - Make sure that state of cluster is completely saved in no more than one config file beyond hosts inventory ## Addons (helm or native ansible) - [x] Helm - [x] Ingress-nginx - [x] kubernetes-dashboard ## Others - Organize and update documentation (split in categories) - Refactor downloads so it all runs in the beginning of deployment - Make bootstrapping OS more consistent - **consul** -> if officially supported by k8s - Flex volumes options (e.g. **torrus** support) [#312](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/312) - Clusters federation option (aka **ubernetes**) [#329](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/329)