apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: InitConfiguration {% if kubeadm_token is defined %} bootstrapTokens: - token: "{{ kubeadm_token }}" description: "kubespray kubeadm bootstrap token" ttl: "24h" {% endif %} localAPIEndpoint: advertiseAddress: {{ ip | default(fallback_ips[inventory_hostname]) }} bindPort: {{ kube_apiserver_port }} nodeRegistration: {% if kube_override_hostname|default('') %} name: {{ kube_override_hostname }} {% endif %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['kube-master'] and inventory_hostname not in groups['kube-node'] %} taints: - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master {% else %} taints: [] {% endif %} criSocket: {{ cri_socket }} --- apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: ClusterConfiguration clusterName: {{ cluster_name }} etcd: {% if not etcd_kubeadm_enabled %} external: endpoints: {% for endpoint in etcd_access_addresses.split(',') %} - {{ endpoint }} {% endfor %} caFile: {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ kube_etcd_cacert_file }} certFile: {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ kube_etcd_cert_file }} keyFile: {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ kube_etcd_key_file }} {% elif etcd_kubeadm_enabled %} local: imageRepository: "{{ etcd_image_repo | regex_replace("/etcd$","") }}" imageTag: "{{ etcd_image_tag }}" dataDir: "/var/lib/etcd" extraArgs: metrics: {{ etcd_metrics }} election-timeout: "{{ etcd_election_timeout }}" heartbeat-interval: "{{ etcd_heartbeat_interval }}" auto-compaction-retention: "{{ etcd_compaction_retention }}" {% if etcd_snapshot_count is defined %} snapshot-count: "{{ etcd_snapshot_count }}" {% endif %} {% if etcd_quota_backend_bytes is defined %} quota-backend-bytes: "{{ etcd_quota_backend_bytes }}" {% endif %} {% if etcd_log_package_levels is defined %} log-package_levels: "{{ etcd_log_package_levels }}" {% endif %} {% for key, value in etcd_extra_vars.items() %} {{ key }}: "{{ value }}" {% endfor %} {% if host_architecture != "amd64" -%} etcd-unsupported-arch: {{host_architecture}} {% endif %} serverCertSANs: {% for san in etcd_cert_alt_names %} - {{ san }} {% endfor %} {% for san in etcd_cert_alt_ips %} - {{ san }} {% endfor %} peerCertSANs: {% for san in etcd_cert_alt_names %} - {{ san }} {% endfor %} {% for san in etcd_cert_alt_ips %} - {{ san }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} dns: type: CoreDNS imageRepository: {{ coredns_image_repo | regex_replace('/coredns$','') }} imageTag: {{ coredns_image_tag }} networking: dnsDomain: {{ dns_domain }} serviceSubnet: {{ kube_service_addresses }} podSubnet: {{ kube_pods_subnet }} kubernetesVersion: {{ kube_version }} {% if kubeadm_config_api_fqdn is defined %} controlPlaneEndpoint: {{ kubeadm_config_api_fqdn }}:{{ loadbalancer_apiserver.port | default(kube_apiserver_port) }} {% else %} controlPlaneEndpoint: {{ ip | default(fallback_ips[inventory_hostname]) }}:{{ kube_apiserver_port }} {% endif %} certificatesDir: {{ kube_cert_dir }} imageRepository: {{ kube_image_repo }} useHyperKubeImage: false apiServer: extraArgs: {% if kube_api_anonymous_auth is defined %} anonymous-auth: "{{ kube_api_anonymous_auth }}" {% endif %} authorization-mode: {{ authorization_modes | join(',') }} bind-address: {{ kube_apiserver_bind_address }} {% if kube_apiserver_insecure_port|string != "0" %} insecure-bind-address: {{ kube_apiserver_insecure_bind_address }} {% endif %} insecure-port: "{{ kube_apiserver_insecure_port }}" {% if kube_apiserver_enable_admission_plugins|length > 0 %} enable-admission-plugins: {{ kube_apiserver_enable_admission_plugins | join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if kube_apiserver_disable_admission_plugins|length > 0 %} disable-admission-plugins: {{ kube_apiserver_disable_admission_plugins | join(',') }} {% endif %} apiserver-count: "{{ kube_apiserver_count }}" endpoint-reconciler-type: lease {% if etcd_events_cluster_enabled %} etcd-servers-overrides: "/events#{{ etcd_events_access_addresses_semicolon }}" {% endif %} service-node-port-range: {{ kube_apiserver_node_port_range }} kubelet-preferred-address-types: "{{ kubelet_preferred_address_types }}" profiling: "{{ kube_profiling }}" request-timeout: "{{ kube_apiserver_request_timeout }}" enable-aggregator-routing: "{{ kube_api_aggregator_routing }}" {% if kube_basic_auth|default(true) %} basic-auth-file: {{ kube_users_dir }}/known_users.csv {% endif %} {% if kube_token_auth|default(true) %} token-auth-file: {{ kube_token_dir }}/known_tokens.csv {% endif %} {% if kube_oidc_auth|default(false) and kube_oidc_url is defined and kube_oidc_client_id is defined %} oidc-issuer-url: {{ kube_oidc_url }} oidc-client-id: {{ kube_oidc_client_id }} {% if kube_oidc_ca_file is defined %} oidc-ca-file: {{ kube_oidc_ca_file }} {% endif %} {% if kube_oidc_username_claim is defined %} oidc-username-claim: {{ kube_oidc_username_claim }} {% endif %} {% if kube_oidc_groups_claim is defined %} oidc-groups-claim: {{ kube_oidc_groups_claim }} {% endif %} {% if kube_oidc_username_prefix is defined %} oidc-username-prefix: "{{ kube_oidc_username_prefix }}" {% endif %} {% if kube_oidc_groups_prefix is defined %} oidc-groups-prefix: "{{ kube_oidc_groups_prefix }}" {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if kube_webhook_token_auth|default(false) %} authentication-token-webhook-config-file: {{ kube_config_dir }}/webhook-token-auth-config.yaml {% endif %} {% if kube_encrypt_secret_data %} encryption-provider-config: {{ kube_cert_dir }}/secrets_encryption.yaml {% endif %} storage-backend: {{ kube_apiserver_storage_backend }} {% if kube_api_runtime_config is defined %} runtime-config: {{ kube_api_runtime_config | join(',') }} {% endif %} allow-privileged: "true" {% if kubernetes_audit %} audit-log-path: "{{ audit_log_path }}" audit-log-maxage: "{{ audit_log_maxage }}" audit-log-maxbackup: "{{ audit_log_maxbackups }}" audit-log-maxsize: "{{ audit_log_maxsize }}" audit-policy-file: {{ audit_policy_file }} {% endif %} {% for key in kube_kubeadm_apiserver_extra_args %} {{ key }}: "{{ kube_kubeadm_apiserver_extra_args[key] }}" {% endfor %} {% if kube_feature_gates %} feature-gates: {{ kube_feature_gates|join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws"] %} cloud-provider: {{cloud_provider}} cloud-config: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% elif cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["external"] %} cloud-config: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% endif %} {% if kubernetes_audit or kube_basic_auth|default(true) or kube_token_auth|default(true) or kube_webhook_token_auth|default(false) or ( cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws"] ) or apiserver_extra_volumes or ssl_ca_dirs|length %} extraVolumes: {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"] %} - name: cloud-config hostPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config mountPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% endif %} {% if kube_basic_auth|default(true) %} - name: basic-auth-config hostPath: {{ kube_users_dir }} mountPath: {{ kube_users_dir }} {% endif %} {% if kube_token_auth|default(true) %} - name: token-auth-config hostPath: {{ kube_token_dir }} mountPath: {{ kube_token_dir }} {% endif %} {% if kube_webhook_token_auth|default(false) %} - name: webhook-token-auth-config hostPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/webhook-token-auth-config.yaml mountPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/webhook-token-auth-config.yaml {% endif %} {% if kubernetes_audit %} - name: {{ audit_policy_name }} hostPath: {{ audit_policy_hostpath }} mountPath: {{ audit_policy_mountpath }} {% if audit_log_path != "-" %} - name: {{ audit_log_name }} hostPath: {{ audit_log_hostpath }} mountPath: {{ audit_log_mountpath }} readOnly: false {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for volume in apiserver_extra_volumes %} - name: {{ volume.name }} hostPath: {{ volume.hostPath }} mountPath: {{ volume.mountPath }} readOnly: {{ volume.readOnly | d(not (volume.writable | d(false))) }} {% endfor %} {% if ssl_ca_dirs|length %} {% for dir in ssl_ca_dirs %} - name: {{ dir | regex_replace('^/(.*)$', '\\1' ) | regex_replace('/', '-') }} hostPath: {{ dir }} mountPath: {{ dir }} readOnly: true {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} certSANs: {% for san in apiserver_sans %} - {{ san }} {% endfor %} timeoutForControlPlane: 5m0s controllerManager: extraArgs: node-monitor-grace-period: {{ kube_controller_node_monitor_grace_period }} node-monitor-period: {{ kube_controller_node_monitor_period }} pod-eviction-timeout: {{ kube_controller_pod_eviction_timeout }} node-cidr-mask-size: "{{ kube_network_node_prefix }}" profiling: "{{ kube_profiling }}" terminated-pod-gc-threshold: "{{ kube_controller_terminated_pod_gc_threshold }}" bind-address: {{ kube_controller_manager_bind_address }} {% if kube_feature_gates %} feature-gates: {{ kube_feature_gates|join(',') }} {% endif %} {% for key in kube_kubeadm_controller_extra_args %} {{ key }}: "{{ kube_kubeadm_controller_extra_args[key] }}" {% endfor %} {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws"] %} cloud-provider: {{cloud_provider}} cloud-config: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% elif cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["external"] %} cloud-config: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% endif %} {% if kube_network_plugin is defined and kube_network_plugin not in ["cloud"] %} configure-cloud-routes: "false" {% endif %} {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"] or controller_manager_extra_volumes %} extraVolumes: {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack"] and openstack_cacert is defined %} - name: openstackcacert hostPath: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/openstack-cacert.pem" mountPath: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/openstack-cacert.pem" {% endif %} {% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws", "external"] %} - name: cloud-config hostPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config mountPath: {{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config {% endif %} {% for volume in controller_manager_extra_volumes %} - name: {{ volume.name }} hostPath: {{ volume.hostPath }} mountPath: {{ volume.mountPath }} readOnly: {{ volume.readOnly | d(not (volume.writable | d(false))) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} scheduler: extraArgs: bind-address: {{ kube_scheduler_bind_address }} {% if kube_feature_gates %} feature-gates: {{ kube_feature_gates|join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if kube_kubeadm_scheduler_extra_args|length > 0 %} {% for key in kube_kubeadm_scheduler_extra_args %} {{ key }}: "{{ kube_kubeadm_scheduler_extra_args[key] }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} extraVolumes: {% if scheduler_extra_volumes %} extraVolumes: {% for volume in scheduler_extra_volumes %} - name: {{ volume.name }} hostPath: {{ volume.hostPath }} mountPath: {{ volume.mountPath }} readOnly: {{ volume.readOnly | d(not (volume.writable | d(false))) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} --- apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubeProxyConfiguration bindAddress: {{ kube_proxy_bind_address }} clientConnection: acceptContentTypes: {{ kube_proxy_client_accept_content_types }} burst: {{ kube_proxy_client_burst }} contentType: {{ kube_proxy_client_content_type }} kubeconfig: {{ kube_proxy_client_kubeconfig }} qps: {{ kube_proxy_client_qps }} clusterCIDR: {{ kube_pods_subnet }} configSyncPeriod: {{ kube_proxy_config_sync_period }} conntrack: max: {{ kube_proxy_conntrack_max }} maxPerCore: {{ kube_proxy_conntrack_max_per_core }} min: {{ kube_proxy_conntrack_min }} tcpCloseWaitTimeout: {{ kube_proxy_conntrack_tcp_close_wait_timeout }} tcpEstablishedTimeout: {{ kube_proxy_conntrack_tcp_established_timeout }} enableProfiling: {{ kube_proxy_enable_profiling }} healthzBindAddress: {{ kube_proxy_healthz_bind_address }} hostnameOverride: {{ kube_override_hostname }} iptables: masqueradeAll: {{ kube_proxy_masquerade_all }} masqueradeBit: {{ kube_proxy_masquerade_bit }} minSyncPeriod: {{ kube_proxy_min_sync_period }} syncPeriod: {{ kube_proxy_sync_period }} ipvs: excludeCIDRs: {{ "[]" if kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs is not defined or kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs == "null" or kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs | length == 0 else (kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs if kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs[0] == '[' else ("[" + kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs + "]" if (kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs[0] | length) == 1 else "[" + kube_proxy_exclude_cidrs | join(",") + "]")) }} minSyncPeriod: {{ kube_proxy_min_sync_period }} scheduler: {{ kube_proxy_scheduler }} syncPeriod: {{ kube_proxy_sync_period }} metricsBindAddress: {{ kube_proxy_metrics_bind_address }} mode: {{ kube_proxy_mode }} nodePortAddresses: {{ kube_proxy_nodeport_addresses }} oomScoreAdj: {{ kube_proxy_oom_score_adj }} portRange: {{ kube_proxy_port_range }} resourceContainer: {{ kube_proxy_resource_container }} udpIdleTimeout: {{ kube_proxy_udp_idle_timeout }}