--- - name: tokens | copy the token gen script copy: src=kube-gen-token.sh dest={{ kube_script_dir }} mode=u+x when: inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] - name: tokens | generate tokens for calico command: "{{ kube_script_dir }}/kube-gen-token.sh {{ item[0] }}-{{ item[1] }}" environment: TOKEN_DIR: "{{ kube_token_dir }}" with_nested: - [ "system:calico" ] - "{{ groups['k8s-cluster'] }}" register: gentoken_calico changed_when: "'Added' in gentoken_calico.stdout" when: kube_network_plugin == "calico" delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube-master'][0] }}" notify: set is_gentoken_calico fact - name: tokens | get the calico token values slurp: src: "{{ kube_token_dir }}/system:calico-{{ inventory_hostname }}.token" register: calico_token when: kube_network_plugin == "calico" delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube-master'][0] }}"