--- - name: "Create CI namespace {{ test_name }} for test vms" k8s: name: "{{ test_name }}" kind: Namespace state: present register: create_ci_ns failed_when: not create_ci_ns.changed - name: "Create temp dir /tmp/{{ test_name }} for CI files" file: path: "/tmp/{{ test_name }}" state: directory - name: Template vm files for CI job template: src: "vm.yml.j2" dest: "/tmp/{{ test_name }}/instance-{{ vm_id }}.yml" loop: "{{ range(0, vm_count|int, 1) | list }}" loop_control: index_var: vm_id - name: Start vms for CI job k8s: state: present src: "/tmp/{{ test_name }}/instance-{{ vm_id }}.yml" loop: "{{ range(0, vm_count|int, 1) | list }}" loop_control: index_var: vm_id - name: Wait for vms to have ipaddress assigned shell: "kubectl get vmis -n {{ test_name }} instance-{{ vm_id }} -o json | jq '.status.interfaces[].ipAddress' | tr -d '\"'" register: vm_ips loop: "{{ range(0, vm_count|int, 1) | list }}" loop_control: index_var: vm_id retries: 10 delay: 15 until: - vm_ips.stdout | ipaddr - name: Wait for SSH to become available on vms wait_for: host: "{{ item.stdout }}" port: 22 delay: 30 timeout: 240 state: started with_items: - "{{ vm_ips.results }}" - name: "Create inventory for CI test in file /tmp/{{ test_name }}/inventory" template: src: "inventory.j2" dest: "{{ inventory_path }}" vars: vms: "{{ vm_ips }}"