--- - name: set_fact distro_setup set_fact: distro_setup: "{{ distro_settings[node_distro] }}" - name: set_fact other distro settings set_fact: distro_user: "{{ distro_setup['user'] }}" distro_ssh_service: "{{ distro_setup['ssh_service'] }}" distro_extra_packages: "{{ distro_setup['extra_packages'] }}" - name: Null-ify some linux tools to ease DIND file: src: "/bin/true" dest: "{{item}}" state: link force: yes with_items: # DIND box may have swap enable, don't bother - /sbin/swapoff # /etc/hosts handling would fail on trying to copy file attributes on edit, # void it by successfully returning nil output - /usr/bin/lsattr # disable selinux-isms, sp needed if running on non-Selinux host - /usr/sbin/semodule - name: Void installing dpkg docs and man pages on Debian based distros copy: content: | # Delete locales path-exclude=/usr/share/locale/* # Delete man pages path-exclude=/usr/share/man/* # Delete docs path-exclude=/usr/share/doc/* path-include=/usr/share/doc/*/copyright dest: /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/01_nodoc when: - ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - name: Install system packages to better match a full-fledge node package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: "{{ distro_extra_packages }} + [ 'rsyslog', 'openssh-server' ]" - name: Start needed services service: name: "{{ item }}" state: started with_items: - rsyslog - "{{ distro_ssh_service }}" - name: Create distro user "{{distro_user}}" user: name: "{{ distro_user }}" uid: 1000 # groups: sudo append: yes - name: Allow password-less sudo to "{{ distro_user }}" copy: content: "{{ distro_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" dest: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ distro_user }}" - name: Add my pubkey to "{{ distro_user }}" user authorized keys authorized_key: user: "{{ distro_user }}" state: present key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}"