## When azure is used, you need to also set the following variables. ## see docs/azure.md for details on how to get these values # azure_cloud: # azure_tenant_id: # azure_subscription_id: # azure_aad_client_id: # azure_aad_client_secret: # azure_resource_group: # azure_location: # azure_subnet_name: # azure_security_group_name: # azure_vnet_name: # azure_vnet_resource_group: # azure_route_table_name: # supported values are 'standard' or 'vmss' # azure_vmtype: standard ## Azure Disk CSI credentials and parameters ## see docs/azure-csi.md for details on how to get these values # azure_csi_tenant_id: # azure_csi_subscription_id: # azure_csi_aad_client_id: # azure_csi_aad_client_secret: # azure_csi_location: # azure_csi_resource_group: # azure_csi_vnet_name: # azure_csi_vnet_resource_group: # azure_csi_subnet_name: # azure_csi_security_group_name: # azure_csi_use_instance_metadata: ## To enable Azure Disk CSI, uncomment below # azure_csi_enabled: true # azure_csi_controller_replicas: 1 # azure_csi_plugin_image_tag: latest