#!/usr/bin/python3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Usage: inventory.py ip1 [ip2 ...] # Examples: inventory.py # # Advanced usage: # Add another host after initial creation: inventory.py # Delete a host: inventory.py - # Delete a host by id: inventory.py -node1 from collections import OrderedDict try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import os import re import sys ROLES = ['kube-master', 'all', 'k8s-cluster:children', 'kube-node', 'etcd'] PROTECTED_NAMES = ROLES AVAILABLE_COMMANDS = ['help', 'print_cfg', 'print_ips'] _boolean_states = {'1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False} def get_var_as_bool(name, default): value = os.environ.get(name, '') return _boolean_states.get(value.lower(), default) CONFIG_FILE = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", "./inventory.cfg") DEBUG = get_var_as_bool("DEBUG", True) HOST_PREFIX = os.environ.get("HOST_PREFIX", "node") class KargoInventory(object): def __init__(self, changed_hosts=None, config_file=None): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True, delimiters=('\t', ' ')) if config_file: self.config.read(config_file) if changed_hosts and changed_hosts[0] in AVAILABLE_COMMANDS: self.parse_command(changed_hosts[0], changed_hosts[1:]) sys.exit(0) self.ensure_required_groups(ROLES) if changed_hosts: self.hosts = self.build_hostnames(changed_hosts) self.purge_invalid_hosts(self.hosts.keys(), PROTECTED_NAMES) self.set_kube_master(list(self.hosts.keys())[:2]) self.set_all(self.hosts) self.set_k8s_cluster() self.set_kube_node(self.hosts.keys()) self.set_etcd(list(self.hosts.keys())[:3]) else: # Show help if no options self.show_help() sys.exit(0) if config_file: with open(config_file, 'w') as f: self.config.write(f) def debug(self, msg): if DEBUG: print("DEBUG: {0}".format(msg)) def get_ip_from_opts(self, optstring): opts = optstring.split(' ') for opt in opts: if '=' not in opt: continue k, v = opt.split('=') if k == "ip": return v raise ValueError("IP parameter not found in options") def ensure_required_groups(self, groups): for group in groups: try: self.config.add_section(group) except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: pass def get_host_id(self, host): '''Returns integer host ID (without padding) from a given hostname.''' try: short_hostname = host.split('.')[0] return int(re.findall("\d+$", short_hostname)[-1]) except IndexError: raise ValueError("Host name must end in an integer") def build_hostnames(self, changed_hosts): existing_hosts = OrderedDict() highest_host_id = 0 try: for host, opts in self.config.items('all'): existing_hosts[host] = opts host_id = self.get_host_id(host) if host_id > highest_host_id: highest_host_id = host_id except configparser.NoSectionError: pass # FIXME(mattymo): Fix condition where delete then add reuses highest id next_host_id = highest_host_id + 1 all_hosts = existing_hosts.copy() for host in changed_hosts: if host[0] == "-": realhost = host[1:] if self.exists_hostname(all_hosts, realhost): self.debug("Marked {0} for deletion.".format(realhost)) all_hosts.pop(realhost) elif self.exists_ip(all_hosts, realhost): self.debug("Marked {0} for deletion.".format(realhost)) self.delete_host_by_ip(all_hosts, realhost) elif host[0].isdigit(): if self.exists_hostname(all_hosts, host): self.debug("Skipping existing host {0}.".format(host)) continue elif self.exists_ip(all_hosts, host): self.debug("Skipping existing host {0}.".format(host)) continue next_host = "{0}{1}".format(HOST_PREFIX, next_host_id) next_host_id += 1 all_hosts[next_host] = "ansible_host={0} ip={1}".format( host, host) elif host[0].isalpha(): raise Exception("Adding hosts by hostname is not supported.") return all_hosts def exists_hostname(self, existing_hosts, hostname): return hostname in existing_hosts.keys() def exists_ip(self, existing_hosts, ip): for host_opts in existing_hosts.values(): if ip == self.get_ip_from_opts(host_opts): return True return False def delete_host_by_ip(self, existing_hosts, ip): for hostname, host_opts in existing_hosts.items(): if ip == self.get_ip_from_opts(host_opts): del existing_hosts[hostname] return raise ValueError("Unable to find host by IP: {0}".format(ip)) def purge_invalid_hosts(self, hostnames, protected_names=[]): for role in self.config.sections(): for host, _ in self.config.items(role): if host not in hostnames and host not in protected_names: self.debug("Host {0} removed from role {1}".format(host, role)) self.config.remove_option(role, host) def add_host_to_group(self, group, host, opts=""): self.debug("adding host {0} to group {1}".format(host, group)) self.config.set(group, host, opts) def set_kube_master(self, hosts): for host in hosts: self.add_host_to_group('kube-master', host) def set_all(self, hosts): for host, opts in hosts.items(): self.add_host_to_group('all', host, opts) def set_k8s_cluster(self): self.add_host_to_group('k8s-cluster:children', 'kube-node') self.add_host_to_group('k8s-cluster:children', 'kube-master') def set_kube_node(self, hosts): for host in hosts: self.add_host_to_group('kube-node', host) def set_etcd(self, hosts): for host in hosts: self.add_host_to_group('etcd', host) def parse_command(self, command, args=None): if command == 'help': self.show_help() elif command == 'print_cfg': self.print_config() elif command == 'print_ips': self.print_ips() else: raise Exception("Invalid command specified.") def show_help(self): help_text = '''Usage: inventory.py ip1 [ip2 ...] Examples: inventory.py Available commands: help - Display this message print_cfg - Write inventory file to stdout print_ips - Write a space-delimited list of IPs from "all" group Advanced usage: Add another host after initial creation: inventory.py Delete a host: inventory.py - Delete a host by id: inventory.py -node1''' print(help_text) def print_config(self): self.config.write(sys.stdout) def print_ips(self): ips = [] for host, opts in self.config.items('all'): ips.append(self.get_ip_from_opts(opts)) print(' '.join(ips)) def main(argv=None): if not argv: argv = sys.argv[1:] KargoInventory(argv, CONFIG_FILE) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())