--- kind: DaemonSet apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: contiv-etcd namespace: kube-system labels: k8s-app: contiv-etcd spec: selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: contiv-etcd template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: contiv-etcd spec: priorityClassName: system-node-critical hostNetwork: true dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet hostPID: true nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "" tolerations: - operator: Exists # Mark pod as critical for rescheduling (Will have no effect starting with kubernetes 1.12) - key: CriticalAddonsOnly operator: "Exists" initContainers: - name: contiv-etcd-init image: {{ contiv_etcd_init_image_repo }}:{{ contiv_etcd_init_image_tag }} imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: ETCD_INIT_ARGSFILE value: '{{ contiv_etcd_conf_dir }}/contiv-etcd-args' - name: ETCD_INIT_LISTEN_PORT value: '{{ contiv_etcd_listen_port }}' - name: ETCD_INIT_PEER_PORT value: '{{ contiv_etcd_peer_port }}' - name: ETCD_INIT_CLUSTER value: '{{ contiv_etcd_endpoints }}' - name: ETCD_INIT_DATA_DIR value: '{{ contiv_etcd_data_dir }}' volumeMounts: - name: contiv-etcd-conf-dir mountPath: {{ contiv_etcd_conf_dir }} containers: - name: contiv-etcd image: {{ contiv_etcd_image_repo }}:{{ contiv_etcd_image_tag }} command: - sh - -c - "/usr/local/bin/etcd $(cat $ETCD_INIT_ARGSFILE)" env: - name: ETCD_INIT_ARGSFILE value: {{ contiv_etcd_conf_dir }}/contiv-etcd-args volumeMounts: - name: contiv-etcd-conf-dir mountPath: {{ contiv_etcd_conf_dir }} - name: contiv-etcd-data-dir mountPath: {{ contiv_etcd_data_dir }} volumes: - name: contiv-etcd-data-dir hostPath: path: {{ contiv_etcd_data_dir }} - name: contiv-etcd-conf-dir hostPath: path: {{ contiv_etcd_conf_dir }}