--- - name: Helm | Make sure HELM_HOME directory exists file: path={{ helm_home_dir }} state=directory - name: Helm | Set up helm launcher include: "install_{{ helm_deployment_type }}.yml" - name: Helm | Lay Down Helm Manifests (RBAC) template: src: "{{item.file}}" dest: "{{kube_config_dir}}/{{item.file}}" with_items: - {name: tiller, file: tiller-sa.yml, type: sa} - {name: tiller, file: tiller-clusterrolebinding.yml, type: clusterrolebinding} register: manifests when: dns_mode != 'none' and inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] and rbac_enabled - name: Helm | Apply Helm Manifests (RBAC) kube: name: "{{item.item.name}}" namespace: "{{ system_namespace }}" kubectl: "{{bin_dir}}/kubectl" resource: "{{item.item.type}}" filename: "{{kube_config_dir}}/{{item.item.file}}" state: "latest" with_items: "{{ manifests.results }}" when: dns_mode != 'none' and inventory_hostname == groups['kube-master'][0] and rbac_enabled - name: Helm | Install/upgrade helm command: "{{ bin_dir }}/helm init --upgrade --tiller-image={{ tiller_image_repo }}:{{ tiller_image_tag }}" when: (helm_container is defined and helm_container.changed) or (helm_task_result is defined and helm_task_result.changed) - name: Helm | Patch tiller deployment for RBAC command: "{{bin_dir}}/kubectl patch deployment tiller-deploy -p '{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"spec\":{\"serviceAccount\":\"tiller\"}}}}' -n {{ system_namespace }}" when: rbac_enabled - name: Helm | Set up bash completion shell: "umask 022 && {{ bin_dir }}/helm completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/helm.sh" when: (helm_container is defined and helm_container.changed) or (helm_task_result is defined and helm_task_result.changed) and not ansible_os_family in ["CoreOS", "Container Linux by CoreOS"]