# Users to create for basic auth in Kubernetes API via HTTP kube_users: kube: pass: changeme role: admin root: pass: changeme role: admin # Kubernetes cluster name, also will be used as DNS domain cluster_name: cluster.local # # set this variable to calico if needed. keep it empty if flannel is used overlay_network_plugin: calico # Kubernetes internal network for services, unused block of space. kube_service_addresses: # internal network. When used, it will assign IP # addresses from this range to individual pods. # This network must be unused in your network infrastructure! overlay_network_subnet: # internal network total size (optional). This is the prefix of the # entire overlay network. So the entirety of must be # unused in your environment. # overlay_network_prefix: 18 # internal network node size allocation (optional). This is the size allocated # to each node on your network. With these defaults you should have # room for 4096 nodes with 254 pods per node. overlay_network_host_prefix: 24 # Internal DNS configuration. # Kubernetes can create and mainatain its own DNS server to resolve service names # into appropriate IP addresses. It's highly advisable to run such DNS server, # as it greatly simplifies configuration of your applications - you can use # service names instead of magic environment variables. # You still must manually configure all your containers to use this DNS server, # Kubernetes won't do this for you (yet). # Upstream dns servers used by dnsmasq upstream_dns_servers: - - # Turn this varable to 'false' to disable whole DNS configuration. dns_setup: true dns_domain: "{{ cluster_name }}" # Ip address of the kubernetes dns service kube_dns_server: # Number of replicas of DNS instances started on kubernetes dns_replicas: 2 # Set to 'false' to disable default Kubernetes UI setup enable_ui: true # Set to 'false' to disable Fabric8 console setup enable_fabric8: true # Set to 'false' to disable default Elasticsearch + Kibana logging setup enable_logging: false # Set to "false' to disable default Monitoring (cAdvisor + heapster + influxdb + grafana) enable_monitoring: false # Set to 'false' to disable the docker garbage collection. # Every hour it removes images that are not used by containers and exited containers. enable_docker_gc: true