# see roles/network_plugin/cilium/defaults/main.yml # cilium_version: "v1.11.3" # cilium_identity_allocation_mode: kvstore # kvstore or crd # For adding and mounting extra volumes to the cilium operator # cilium_operator_extra_volumes: [] # cilium_operator_extra_volume_mounts: [] # Name of the cluster. Only relevant when building a mesh of clusters. # cilium_cluster_name: default # Unique ID of the cluster. Must be unique across all conneted clusters and # in the range of 1 and 255. Only relevant when building a mesh of clusters. # This value is not defined by default # cluster-id: # Allows to explicitly specify the IPv4 CIDR for native routing. # When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and # hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without # applying any SNAT. # Generally speaking, specifying a native routing CIDR implies that Cilium can # depend on the underlying networking stack to route packets to their # destination. To offer a concrete example, if Cilium is configured to use # direct routing and the Kubernetes CIDR is included in the native routing CIDR, # the user must configure the routes to reach pods, either manually or by # setting the auto-direct-node-routes flag. # cilium_native_routing_cidr: "" # Allows to explicitly specify the IPv6 CIDR for native routing. # cilium_native_routing_cidr_ipv6: "" # Encryption # Enable transparent network encryption. # cilium_encryption_enabled: false # Encryption method. Can be either ipsec or wireguard. # Only effective when `cilium_encryption_enabled` is set to true. # cilium_encryption_type: "ipsec" # Enable encryption for pure node to node traffic. # This option is only effective when `cilium_encryption_type` is set to `ipsec`. # cilium_ipsec_node_encryption: "false" # Enables the fallback to the user-space implementation. # This option is only effective when `cilium_encryption_type` is set to `wireguard`. # cilium_wireguard_userspace_fallback: "false"