--- # raw: cat /etc/issue.net | grep '{{ bootstrap_versions }}' - name: List ubuntu_packages set_fact: ubuntu_packages: - python - python-apt - python-pip - dbus - name: Bootstrap | Check if bootstrap is needed raw: dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 |grep -e ^{{item}}$ register: need_bootstrap failed_when: false changed_when: false with_items: "{{ubuntu_packages}}" environment: {} tags: - facts - name: Add proxy to /etc/apt/apt.conf if http_proxy is defined lineinfile: path: "/etc/apt/apt.conf" line: 'Acquire::http::proxy "{{http_proxy}}";' create: yes state: present when: http_proxy is defined - name: Add proxy to /etc/apt/apt.conf if https_proxy is defined lineinfile: path: "/etc/apt/apt.conf" line: 'Acquire::https::proxy "{{https_proxy}}";' create: yes state: present when: https_proxy is defined - name: Bootstrap | Install python 2.x and pip raw: apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y {{ubuntu_packages | join(" ")}} environment: {} when: - need_bootstrap.results | map(attribute='rc') | sort | last | bool - set_fact: ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python" tags: - facts