# Cilium ## Kube-proxy replacement with Cilium Cilium can run without kube-proxy by setting `cilium_kube_proxy_replacement` to `strict`. Without kube-proxy, cilium needs to know the address of the kube-apiserver and this must be set globally for all cilium components (agents and operators). Hence, in this configuration in Kubespray, Cilium will always contact the external loadbalancer (even from a node in the control plane) and if there is no external load balancer It will ignore any local load balancer deployed by Kubespray and **only contacts the first master**. ## Choose Cilium version ```yml cilium_version: v1.11.0 ``` ## Add variable to config Use following variables: Example: ```yml cilium_config_extra_vars: enable-endpoint-routes: true ``` ## Change Identity Allocation Mode Cilium assigns an identity for each endpoint. This identity is used to enforce basic connectivity between endpoints. Cilium currently supports two different identity allocation modes: - "crd" stores identities in kubernetes as CRDs (custom resource definition). - These can be queried with `kubectl get ciliumid` - "kvstore" stores identities in an etcd kvstore. ## Install Cilium Hubble k8s-net-cilium.yml: ```yml cilium_enable_hubble: true ## enable support hubble in cilium cilium_hubble_install: true ## install hubble-relay, hubble-ui cilium_hubble_tls_generate: true ## install hubble-certgen and generate certificates ``` To validate that Hubble UI is properly configured, set up a port forwarding for hubble-ui service: ```shell script kubectl port-forward -n kube-system svc/hubble-ui 12000:80 ``` and then open [http://localhost:12000/](http://localhost:12000/). ## Hubble metrics ```yml cilium_enable_hubble_metrics: true cilium_hubble_metrics: - dns - drop - tcp - flow - icmp - http ``` [More](https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.9/operations/metrics/#hubble-exported-metrics)