# your Kubernetes cluster name here cluster_name = "mycluster" # Your Equinix Metal project ID. See hhttps://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/accounts/ packet_project_id = "Example-API-Token" # The public SSH key to be uploaded into authorized_keys in bare metal Equinix Metal nodes provisioned # leave this value blank if the public key is already setup in the Equinix Metal project # Terraform will complain if the public key is setup in Equinix Metal public_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" # cluster location facility = "ewr1" # standalone etcds number_of_etcd = 0 plan_etcd = "t1.small.x86" # masters number_of_k8s_masters = 1 number_of_k8s_masters_no_etcd = 0 plan_k8s_masters = "t1.small.x86" plan_k8s_masters_no_etcd = "t1.small.x86" # nodes number_of_k8s_nodes = 2 plan_k8s_nodes = "t1.small.x86"