#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2014 Spotify AB. # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # This script attempts to garbage collect docker containers and images. # Containers that exited more than an hour ago are removed. # Images that have existed more than an hour and are not in use by any # containers are removed. # Note: Although docker normally prevents removal of images that are in use by # containers, we take extra care to not remove any image tags (e.g. # ubuntu:14.04, busybox, etc) that are used by containers. A naive # "docker rmi `docker images -q`" will leave images stripped of all tags, # forcing users to re-pull the repositories even though the images # themselves are still on disk. # Note: State is stored in $STATE_DIR, defaulting to /var/lib/docker-gc set -o nounset set -o errexit GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS=${GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS:=3600} STATE_DIR=${STATE_DIR:=/var/lib/docker-gc} DOCKER=${DOCKER:=docker} PID_DIR=${PID_DIR:=/var/run} for pid in $(pidof -s docker-gc); do if [[ $pid != $$ ]]; then echo "[$(date)] : docker-gc : Process is already running with PID $pid" exit 1 fi done trap "rm -f -- '$PID_DIR/dockergc'" EXIT echo $$ > $PID_DIR/dockergc EXCLUDE_FROM_GC=${EXCLUDE_FROM_GC:=/etc/docker-gc-exclude} if [ ! -f "$EXCLUDE_FROM_GC" ] then EXCLUDE_FROM_GC=/dev/null fi EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC=${EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC:=/etc/docker-gc-exclude-containers} if [ ! -f "$EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC" ] then EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC=/dev/null fi EXCLUDE_IDS_FILE="exclude_ids" EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_IDS_FILE="exclude_container_ids" function date_parse { if date --utc >/dev/null 2>&1; then # GNU/date echo $(date -u --date "${1}" "+%s") else # BSD/date echo $(date -j -u -f "%F %T" "${1}" "+%s") fi } # Elapsed time since a docker timestamp, in seconds function elapsed_time() { # Docker 1.5.0 datetime format is 2015-07-03T02:39:00.390284991 # Docker 1.7.0 datetime format is 2015-07-03 02:39:00.390284991 +0000 UTC utcnow=$(date -u "+%s") replace_q="${1#\"}" without_ms="${replace_q:0:19}" replace_t="${without_ms/T/ }" epoch=$(date_parse "${replace_t}") echo $(($utcnow - $epoch)) } function compute_exclude_ids() { # Find images that match patterns in the EXCLUDE_FROM_GC file and put their # id prefixes into $EXCLUDE_IDS_FILE, prefixed with ^ PROCESSED_EXCLUDES="processed_excludes.tmp" # Take each line and put a space at the beginning and end, so when we # grep for them below, it will effectively be: "match either repo:tag # or imageid". Also delete blank lines or lines that only contain # whitespace sed 's/^\(.*\)$/ \1 /' $EXCLUDE_FROM_GC | sed '/^ *$/d' > $PROCESSED_EXCLUDES # The following looks a bit of a mess, but here's what it does: # 1. Get images # 2. Skip header line # 3. Turn columnar display of 'REPO TAG IMAGEID ....' to 'REPO:TAG IMAGEID' # 4. find lines that contain things mentioned in PROCESSED_EXCLUDES # 5. Grab the image id from the line # 6. Prepend ^ to the beginning of each line # What this does is make grep patterns to match image ids mentioned by # either repo:tag or image id for later greppage $DOCKER images \ | tail -n+2 \ | sed 's/^\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\).*/ \1:\2 \3 /' \ | grep -f $PROCESSED_EXCLUDES 2>/dev/null \ | cut -d' ' -f3 \ | sed 's/^/^/' > $EXCLUDE_IDS_FILE } function compute_exclude_container_ids() { # Find containers matching to patterns listed in EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC file # Implode their values with a \| separator on a single line PROCESSED_EXCLUDES=`cat $EXCLUDE_CONTAINERS_FROM_GC \ | xargs \ | sed -e 's/ /\|/g'` # The empty string would match everything if [ "$PROCESSED_EXCLUDES" = "" ]; then touch $EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_IDS_FILE return fi # Find all docker images # Filter out with matching names # and put them to $EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_IDS_FILE $DOCKER ps -a \ | grep -E "$PROCESSED_EXCLUDES" \ | awk '{ print $1 }' \ | tr -s " " "\012" \ | sort -u > $EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_IDS_FILE } # Change into the state directory (and create it if it doesn't exist) if [ ! -d "$STATE_DIR" ] then mkdir -p $STATE_DIR fi cd "$STATE_DIR" # Verify that docker is reachable $DOCKER version 1>/dev/null # List all currently existing containers $DOCKER ps -a -q --no-trunc | sort | uniq > containers.all # List running containers $DOCKER ps -q --no-trunc | sort | uniq > containers.running # compute ids of container images to exclude from GC compute_exclude_ids # compute ids of containers to exclude from GC compute_exclude_container_ids # List containers that are not running comm -23 containers.all containers.running > containers.exited # Find exited containers that finished at least GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS ago echo -n "" > containers.reap.tmp cat containers.exited | while read line do EXITED=$(${DOCKER} inspect -f "{{json .State.FinishedAt}}" ${line}) ELAPSED=$(elapsed_time $EXITED) if [[ $ELAPSED -gt $GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS ]]; then echo $line >> containers.reap.tmp fi done # List containers that we will remove and exclude ids. cat containers.reap.tmp | sort | uniq | grep -v -f $EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_IDS_FILE > containers.reap || true # List containers that we will keep. comm -23 containers.all containers.reap > containers.keep # List images used by containers that we keep. # This may be both image id's and repo/name:tag, so normalize to image id's only cat containers.keep | xargs -n 1 $DOCKER inspect -f '{{.Config.Image}}' 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq | xargs -n 1 $DOCKER inspect -f '{{.Id}}' 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq > images.used # List images to reap; images that existed last run and are not in use. $DOCKER images -q --no-trunc | sort | uniq > images.all # Find images that are created at least GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS ago echo -n "" > images.reap.tmp cat images.all | while read line do CREATED=$(${DOCKER} inspect -f "{{.Created}}" ${line}) ELAPSED=$(elapsed_time $CREATED) if [[ $ELAPSED -gt $GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS ]]; then echo $line >> images.reap.tmp fi done comm -23 images.reap.tmp images.used | grep -v -f $EXCLUDE_IDS_FILE > images.reap || true # Reap containers. xargs -n 1 $DOCKER rm --volumes=true < containers.reap &>/dev/null || true # Reap images. xargs -n 1 $DOCKER rmi < images.reap &>/dev/null || true