--- - name: Calico | Configure peering with router(s) at global scope command: cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl.sh apply -f -" stdin: "{{ stdin is string | ternary(stdin, stdin|to_json) }}" vars: stdin: > {"apiVersion": "projectcalico.org/v3", "kind": "BGPPeer", "metadata": { "name": "global-{{ item.name | default(item.router_id|replace(':','-')) }}" }, "spec": { "asNumber": "{{ item.as }}", "peerIP": "{{ item.router_id }}" }} register: output retries: 4 until: output.rc == 0 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" with_items: - "{{ peers|selectattr('scope','defined')|selectattr('scope','equalto', 'global')|list|default([]) }}" when: - inventory_hostname == groups['kube_control_plane'][0] - name: Calico | Configure node asNumber for per node peering command: cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl.sh apply -f -" stdin: "{{ stdin is string | ternary(stdin, stdin|to_json) }}" vars: stdin: > {"apiVersion": "projectcalico.org/v3", "kind": "Node", "metadata": { "name": "{{ inventory_hostname }}" }, "spec": { "bgp": { "asNumber": "{{ local_as }}" }, "orchRefs":[{"nodeName":"{{ inventory_hostname }}","orchestrator":"k8s"}] }} register: output retries: 4 until: output.rc == 0 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['k8s_cluster'] - local_as is defined - groups['calico_rr'] | default([]) | length == 0 - name: Calico | Configure peering with router(s) at node scope command: cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl.sh apply -f -" stdin: "{{ stdin is string | ternary(stdin, stdin|to_json) }}" vars: stdin: > {"apiVersion": "projectcalico.org/v3", "kind": "BGPPeer", "metadata": { "name": "{{ inventory_hostname }}-{{ item.name | default(item.router_id|replace(':','-')) }}" }, "spec": { "asNumber": "{{ item.as }}", "node": "{{ inventory_hostname }}", "peerIP": "{{ item.router_id }}", "sourceAddress": "{{ item.sourceaddress|default('UseNodeIP') }}" }} register: output retries: 4 until: output.rc == 0 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" with_items: - "{{ peers|selectattr('scope','undefined')|list|default([]) | union(peers|selectattr('scope','defined')|selectattr('scope','equalto', 'node')|list|default([])) }}" delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}" when: - inventory_hostname in groups['k8s_cluster']